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Index Adoption, 61–64, 219n.41 Adultery: male vs. female, 41, 50–51, 75, 94–95, 102, 105; popular attitudes toward, 9, 61, 64, 68–69, 75, 100–102, 177; legislation on, 15, 41, 43, 50–51, 70, 71 Alimentos, 43, 50, 181, 226n.114 Alimony. See Alimentos Bandolerismo, 29, 31–32 Beaterio, 43–44, 110, 179 Benel, Eleodoro, 216n.42 Cajamarca, economy of, 21–22, 23, 25, 27, 32 Child mortality, 62 Church: jurisdiction of, over matrimony , 40–42; and state, 40–43, 71 Compadrazgo, 60, 149, 175 Conflict among women: brutality of, 10, 140–142, 147; causes of, 10–11, 140–141, 147–149, 150–153, 167– 168, 186; long-term nature of, 10, 147, 148, 149, 169 Conscription, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 123, 129, 142, 216 Consensual unions: frequency of, 57– 58, 220n.9; official views on, 41–42, 49–50, 56–58, 70, 73; popular practice of, 56, 57–60, 71–73, 88, 110, 134, 174–175 Cooperation among women: assistance in childbirth, 160–161; intervention in fights, 143, 158, 159, 163–165, 185 Corruption, 28–30, 32, 97, 129, 155, 216n.42, 245n.106 Council of Trent, 42, 51 Custody of children, 45, 51, 72, 100– 101, 219n.42, 233n.60 Deathbed marriages. See Matrimonio en artículo de muerte Divorce: legal grounds for, 50–51, 90, 229n.185; proceedings for, 43–44, 70, 81, 181, 229n.185; threat of, 103, 177 Education: access to, 36, 121; female, 42, 46–47 Elections, 28–29, 32, 216n.30 Employment: of men, 33–36; of women, 34–35 Enganche, 24, 27, 215nn.15,16, 216n.4. See also Labor migration Ethnicity, 18, 23, 214n.10, 247n.153; failure to record, 12, 18 Fertility, 64 Fostering of children, 61, 63–64, 161– 163, 219n.41, 222n.38, 246n.138; as guise for illegitimacy, 61, 64, 219n.41 259 disobedience, slander, seduction, and assault García Calderón, Francisco, 46, 47, 52, 53, 54, 115 Guardia civil records, 65–66, 73 Guardianship. See Patria potestad Haciendas: gender relations on, 20, 36–39, 151; labor relations on, 16, 20, 22–24, 26, 27; scarcity of sources on, 19–20, 36, 187; social relations on, 19–20, 22–24, 36–37 Hidden transcript, 79, 167, 233n.54. See also Public transcript Hijos adulterinos, 50, 61. See also Illegitimacy Hijos naturales, 50–51, 61, 64. See also Illegitimacy Honor: changes over time, 3–4, 91–92, 180; differentiation of according to civil status, 104–105, 108; differentiation of according to social class, 48, 97–99, 103, 108, 115, 127, 130, 177, 179; elite discourse of, 3, 48– 49, 91–92, 104, 116, 118, 173–174, 179; lower-class discourse of, 4, 6, 10, 48, 91–92, 104, 112, 116, 117–118, 172–175, 176–179 Huarapo, 135, 175 Iglesias, Miguel, 29, 31 Illegitimacy: attitudes toward, 51–52, 57–59, 61, 64; inheritance rights in case of, 50–51, 219n.41, 222n.52; legitimization of, 51, 52, 59, 61, 91; guardianship in case of, 41, 45 Labor: sexual division of, 24, 37–38 Labor migration, 11, 21, 24–27, 39, 151–152, 182, 186 Lawsuits: cost of, 16, 19, 43, 95, 128, 155–156; length of, 15–16, 128, 155– 156 Licencia judicial, 35, 44, 54, 107 Literacy, 18, 36, 95, 133 Litigants: sexual distribution of, 95, 158–159; social background of, 2–3, 5, 18–20, 65, 93, 95, 103, 137 Marital reconciliation, ordered by the court, 43, 69, 70, 76, 87, 183 Marital violence: causes of, 57, 65– 66, 69–70, 73–77, 81, 89, 181–182; legitimation of, 9, 48, 56, 67–69, 79, 87, 101; official response to, 9, 48, 69–71, 76, 89, 181, 183; popular attitudes toward, 9, 65, 82, 85–89, 172, 183 Matrimonio en artículo de muerte, 8, 50, 59, 88, 109, 175, 221 Matrimony: indissolubility of, 40, 42– 45, 69, 77, 81; property relations within, 40, 43–47, 74, 76–77, 222 Middendorf, Ernst, 25, 34, 39 Muleteering, 26, 33, 39 Parental authority. See Patria potestad Partido Civil, 32 Patria potestad, 41, 45, 47, 51, 64, 71 Patron-client relations, 27–31, 36, 140, 168 Poison, 145–146, 185 Political conflict: at the local level, 28–32, 148; women’s involvement in, 31, 142, 148 Population: rural-urban distribution of, 19, 22, 32–33, 57–58; free peasantry versus hacienda residents, 19, 22–23, 25 Premarital sex, 8, 52, 59, 117, 126, 134–137, 175...
