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Index A-B-Sudario [A-B-Shroud] (Escudos), 225 Acevedo, Ramón Luis, 39, 83 Age of Extremes, The (Hobsbawm), 212 Alegoría (painting) (Villa), 21–22, 27 Alegría, Claribel, 79 Alvarado, Pedro de, 85–86 Amador, Amaya, 53–54 Anaya, Toney, 130 Anderson, Benedict, 172 “And We Sold the Rain” (Naranjo), 200, 204–207, 211, 213 anthropology, 111 Antología del cuento centroamericano (Ramírez), 10 Anzaldúa, Gloria, 147, 152, 153 Apastepeque (San Vicente Department ), 91–92 A quien corresponda [To Whom It May Concern] (González, L.), 190 A ras del suelo [At the Ground Level] (González Gutiérrez), 57 Araya, Seidy, 11, 197 árbol enfermo, El (translated as Redemptions ) (Gagini), 20, 29–32 arena (Alianza Republicana Nacionalista ; Nationalist Republican Alliance ), 169 Argueta, Jorge, 142 Argueta, Manlio, 77, 79–87, 142, 200, 202, 225; depictions of women, 80–81; life of, 81–82; works of, 79–80, 82–83, 116–117 Arias, Arturo, 3, 10, 162, 163; and Rigoberta Menchú controversy, 117 “Art in America con Acento” (Moraga ), 152–153 Artists Call Against U.S. Intervention in Central America, 135 Asco, El [The Disgust] (Castellanos Moya), 224 asosal (Association of Salvadorans in Los Angeles), 134 Asturias, Miguel Ángel, 46–47, 54 authoritarian fiction, 45; structural redundancies in, 51–52, 53 Authoritarian Fictions (Suleiman), 45 Avilés, Quique, 180–183, 190, 225 Azul (Darío), 36 Baker-Cristales, Beth, 171–172 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 78 Balboa, Vasco Núñez de, 85 Balcanes y volcanes y otros ensayos y trabajos (Ramírez), 10, 24, 197 banana production: in Panama, 66; social protest literature and, 15, 44–47, 66–67, 72–75; United Fruit Company and, 47–49; U.S. imperialism and, 47, 49 280 Dividing the Isthmus “Bananas and Men” (Lyra), 47, 59, 61; character stereotypes, 61–63; children in, 64–65; “narrator’s interventions ” in, 52–53; prefiguring of revolution, 66; U.S. women’s lives in, 61–63 banana social protest novel, 45–46, 54–55, 75; conditions encouraging the creation of, 46–47; stereotypes in, 55; structural redundancies in, 51–52, 53. See also roman à thèse “Barrio” (Avilés), 180 Barthes, Roland, 43, 172 Barton, Jonathan R., 198–199 basurero [garbage dumps], 207–208; as cultural contact zones, 209–210. See also waste as means of regeneration ; waste as symbol of devastation and rebuilding attempts Behar, Ruth, 111 Beleño, Joaquín, 11, 47, 67–75; critique of novels, 70–71; Curundú, 67, 69; Flor de banana, 72–75; Gamboa Road Gang, 69; life and works of, 67; Luna verde, 68 Belli, Gioconda, 18, 148, 200, 214 Bencastro, Mario, 183–186, 225 Benz, Stephen, 200 Beverley, John, 117 Bhabha, Homi K., 9, 194 bildungsroman, 68–69, 72; personal narrative in, 69; structural redundancies in, 70. See also roman à thèse Black Labor on a White Canal (Coniff), 68 bloodletting in Mayan cosmology, 124 Blood of Kings, The (Schele and Miller), 126 “Blue” (Theroux), 97 blue as symbol, 36, 95–97, 244n14 Bolívar, Simón, 6 Booth, John A., 199 Borderlands/La Frontera (Anzaldúa), 152 Born in East L.A., 154 Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias (Las Casas), 85–87 Brief History of Central America, A (Pérez-Brignoli), 10 Brown, Nicole, 217 Butler, Octavia, 212 Cabarrús, Carlos R., 81 Cabezas, Omar, 144 caficulture: El Olimpo and, 19–20; literature and, 24–25, 31 cafta (Central American Free Trade Agreement), 199 “canal literature,” 70–71. See also social protest literature Canal Zone trilogy (Beleño), 67–69 Caplan, Jane, 123 Cardenal, Ernesto, 5–6, 138 carecen (Central American Refugee/ Resource Center), 134, 137 “Cariboo Café, The” (Viramontes), 154–155, 158 “Carretera sin buey” [Road without an Ox] (Hernández), 226 casa de Maryland, 227–228 Casas, Bartolomé de las, 85–86 Castellanos Moya, Horacio, 224 Castillo, Ana, 155 Castillo, Otto Rene, 142 Catholic tradition: in “And We Sold the Rain,” 204; in Después del Terremoto , 146 Central America: civil war period (1970s–1980s), 76, 243n1, 243n3; as cultural contact zone, 74–75; diaspora, 152; dictators in, 50; as globalization’s garbage dump, 212, 217, 221–222; as in-between space, 9, 109, 221; neoliberal regimes in, 198–201; as place of internal division , 74–75; post–civil war culture in, 195–198; poverty in, 198–199; as surrogate for U.S. West, 49–50; trade relations with U.S., 12–13; U.S. hegemony and, 8, 13, 50–51; U.S. imperialism in, 49; U...
