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Abulafia, Abraham, 229 n. 3 Adam, 214 Adelard of Bath Liber prestigiorum, number of copies, 44 on necromancy, 26 translations by: De imaginibus, 46–47; in migration of texts, 36 Agrippa, Cornelius approach, 217–18 De occulta philosophia, 199–217; Agrippa’s rejection of, 207–10, 214; astrological image magic in, 181; centrality of operator in, 205–6; demons in, 202–3, 209–10; influence of, 199; kabbalism in, 200; magic as skill in, 206–7; necromancy in, 204–5; organization of, 200–201; printed, popularity of, 177; recent scholarship on, 7–8; religious magic in, 203–4; ritual magic in, 203–4; techniques and approaches in, 201–2 De vanitate, 201, 207–8, 245 n. 34 existential crisis of, 214 influence of, 199–201 magic of, reformulation of, 200 scribal references to, 162 Albertus Magnus, influence on moralists, 19 alchemical codices astrological image magic in, 41 Harley 181 as, 166–67 alchemy. See also specific texts in Ars notoria, 167 engraved stones in, 41 Alfonso, court of, in migration of image magic texts, 36 Al-Kindī, Ya’qūb ibn Ishāq cosmology of, 24–25 in debate on images, 2–3 De radiis stellarum: in Allen collection, 37; codex classification of, 77; decline in interest in, 184; in Erghome collection, 65–66, 69; on natural explanation for magic, 24–26; popularity of, 43, 222 n. 38 Allen, Michael J. B., 7, 193–94 Allen, Thomas, collection of, 37 Almandal, 117, 120–22 amulets, in Rawlinson collections, 144–45 angel(s) in Ars notoria, 81, 91, 93 belief in, 11 compelled appearance of, 209–10 conflation with other beings, 147 Dee’s conversations with, 171–73 in development of necromancy, 116–17 devotion to, 147–48 guidance by, 108–9, 112, 121 knowledge acquired through, 147–51, 152 in Liber lune, 63 names of. See names in necromancy, 129–30 in Northgate collection, 101–2 questioning, 144 in Society of Antiquaries 39, 128–30 summoning of. See necromancy summoning vs. binding, 133–34 in Sworn Book of Honorius, 67, 108–9 in visions of Brother John, 81–82, 85 angel magic, 146–55. See also necromancy annotations in Dee collection, 37 in Rawlinson D. 252, 136 antiquity, Renaissance enthusiasm for, 187–88 apothecary, image magic used by, source of, 13–14 Aquinas, Thomas influence on moralists, 19 influence on Pico della Mirandola, 190 on power of artificial forms, 29–30 Arabic tradition, in necromantic texts, 116 Arbatel, editions of, 177 Argentine, John background of, 47–48, 227 n. 43 collection of: attribution of, 48, 49, 227 n. 49; collections included in, 127; content of, 128–34, 236 n. 51; medical texts in, 41; necromantic texts in, 127–34; preservation of, 125; Speculum astronomiae and, 44–45, 226 n. 34 INDEX index 268 Ariel, 175–76 Ars notaria, 92, 231 n. 15 Ars notoria, 89–94 in Allen collection, 37 Aquinas’s rejection of, 229 n. 4 astrology in, 94–95 cataloguing of, 100 changes to, 94, 112 condemnation of, 92–93, 231 n. 18 devotion and, 100, 111 in Harley 181, 165–67 image magic and, 95, 98–99 in John of London collection, 56, 98, 111 John of Morigny’s transformation of, 83–84 John of Morigny’s use of, 81, 86–87 lack of scholarship on, 92–93 in Maidstone collection, 55, 56, 97–98 necromantic emulations of, 91, 230 n. 6 with necromantic works, 94 in Northgate collection, 56, 98–102, 111 number of copies, 165 operations of, 90–91 popularity of, 92, 231 n. 13 practice of, 90–91 prayers in, 90–92, 96, 99–101, 230 n. 8 quality of production, 97 Rawlinson collection influenced by, 149–51 Renaissance editions of, appearances of, 161–62 Renaissance magic influenced by, 161 results of, divine discretion in, 91 survival of, 93–94, 95 textual history of, 89–90 theurgy in, 92 time to complete, 90 transmission of, 95–96, 112 versions of, 94–95, 232 n. 23 words in, 84, 95 works collected with, 98–100, 111 Ars notoria (Véronèse), 7, 90–91 Ars nova, 89–90 Ashmole, Elias, interest in talismans, 37 Ashmole 346 (Scalon collection), 41, 48, 50–51 Ashmole 1416, alchemical texts in, 41 astrological codices, astrological image magic in, 40, 42 astrological image(s) Aquinas on, 29–30 in astrology, 27 condemnation of, in Speculum astronomiae, 27–28 vs. demonic, 14 legitimate use of, 28–29, 32, 223 n. 45 magus as, 196 making of, ritual in, 14 movement effected...
