In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S After writing an entire book, it seems the acknowledgments should be easy. Yet as I look back and see how much guidance and support I received from mentors, colleagues, friends, activists, and complete strangers over the years, I am awed and humbled. Perhaps it is best to start at the beginning. I sincerely thank Steven Lukes, Neil Brenner and Eric Hershberg for their generous feedback and encouragement, as well as Troy Duster, and Ann Morning and the International Center for Advanced Studies at New York University for their support. I would also like to thank Butch Montes, Ha-Joon Chang, Ashwini Deshpande, Paulo Gala, Maria Angela Parra, Codrina Rada, and all the scholars and participants of the Cambridge Advanced Program on Rethinking Development Economics and the Annual Conference for Development and Change for helping me to deepen my understanding of development issues. The Latin American Social Sciences Faculty (FLACSO), and in particular Carlos Sojo and Juan Pablo Pérez Sáinz at FLACSO Costa Rica, were excellent interlocutors and instrumental in supporting my field research. I was aided and inspired by a number of activists during the data collection stage, including Adrian Jaen, Jolie Rickman, Marcela Sojo, Burke Stansbury, the Sindicato de Empresa Trabajadores de ANDA (SETA), and the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador. Keep up the good fight! I would like to express my gratitude to the faculty and staff at Arizona State University’s Faculty of Justice and Social Inquiry, especially Marjorie Zatz, as well as Jill Fisher, Jeff Juris, and Torin Monahan, for their help in navigating the publication process and in some cases with reading parts of the book manuscript. I owe a special debt of gratitude to Miranda March for generously reading the final proofs—Ack!—as well as for just being a wonderful friend in general. Thanks also to my terrific editor, Sandy Thatcher, as well as two anonymous reviewers, whose comments undoubtedly improved the final text. Obviously, all flaws that remain are my responsibility alone. xvi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am also grateful for a number of colleagues and friends who, though perhaps not involved directly with this project, have made my life more interesting and enjoyable over the years of its production, including Robert Bailey, Dorith Geva, Vanna Gonzales, Cecilia Guerrero, Phil Josselyn, Andy Kafel, Vera Lopez, Bill Mazza, Bernie McAleer, Cori Plachy, H.L.T. Quan, Heather Strong, and Monica Varsanyi. I would also like to acknowledge my family for their love and support, despite some puzzlement regarding exactly what it is I do for a living. Finally, to my best friend, Michelin Riley—thank you for always, always being there. While my heart and head seek justice, it is you that keeps me grounded. ...
