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Abriendo Camino, 80–86 agency, clientelism and, 42–44 Alianza Cívica: election observations by, 148–54; partisan politics and, 154–56, 192n.2 Alvarez, Sonia, 47, 50 Álvarez del Castillo, Enrique (Gov.), 68 Andrés Andrés, María, 92 anti-clientelism, electoral politics and, 129–30, 134. See also clientelism antipoverty programs, neoliberalism and, 30 Áreas Geográficas de Estadistica Básica (agebs), 58n.6 Argentina, clientelism in, 42 Asamblea de Barrios, 155 autonomy, mobilization of civil society and, 49 Auyero, Javier, 42 Avritzer, Leonardo, 48 Babb, Sarah, 204 banobras (Mexican development bank), 68 Barba Hernández, Alfredo, 68–69, 107, 111–12, 138, 157 Base Development Team (equipo promotor de base) of uci, 87–91 Boltvinik, Julio, 29–30 Brazil, clientelist politics in, 43 Brazilian Workers Party, 114 Burroughs de México, 54 Calderón Hinojosa, Felipe, 37, 192–94 Camp, Roderic, 76–77 Cantero, Elisa, 66–67, 70, 85–86, 138 Cárdenas, Cuauhtémoc, 34, 36, 115 Cárdenas Jiménez, Alberto, 37 Cardenista Front for National Reconstruction Party (Partido del Frente Cardenista de la Reconstrucción Mexicana [pfcrn]), 34n.9, 113 carro completo electoral politics, 33–34 Castañeda, Carmen, 88–89, 92, 163 Castañeda, Jorge, 114–15 Castells, Manuel, 41–42 Castro, Fidel, 114 Catholic Church: as alternative to clientelism, 72–73; in Cerro del Cuatro, 73–78; Gramsci’s criticism of, 118–19; pan alliance with, 116–19; progressive Latin American elements of, 114–15. See also Jesuit order “celebratory” research methodology, limitations of, 18–19 Centeno, Miguel, 204 Cerro del Cuatro: birth of, 56–59; clientelism in, 62–70; economic growth and urban change in, 53–56; electoral politics in, 1, 110–13; housing in, 60–62; liberation theology alternative in, 71–73; popular church in, 73–75; as uci birthplace, 53. See also colonias of Cerro del Cuatro Chavez, Hugo, 192 Christian base communities (comunidades de base [cebs]): access to services linked to clientelism of, 168–70; as alternative to clientelism, 72–73; in Cerro del Cuatro, 73–75, 79; colonia activists and, 82–86; electoral politics and, 110–13; Gramscian philosophy and, 118–19; Jesuit activism and, 115; Medina’s experiences with, 187–91; uci organizational structure and, 88–91 Ciba Geigy, 54 civil society: clientelist politics and, 103–8; democratization movement and, 9, 19–20, 192–202; electoral politics and role of, 119–30; illusion of, 44–52, 202–8 class politics: civil society and, 50–52, 202–8; democratization movement and, 8–10, 192–208; Jesuit order and, 114–15; neoliberalism and, 28–29; sedoc activities and, 76–78, 128–30, 133–34; social change and role of elites, 117–19; U.S. research methodology in Mexico and, 11–19 Index Clema Godínez, Juan Manuel, 105–6 clientelism: access to services linked to, 168–70; alternative ideology and creation of uci, 70–73; austerity programs and, 194–98; in Cerro del Cuatro, 62–70; changes in, 96–100; electoral politics and, 40–44; housing policies and, 62; illusion of civil society and, 203–8; neighborhood-level politics and, 162; partisan affiliation and, 123; Solidaridad committees and, 103–8; urbanization and, 40–44 Cloward, Richard, 199 coalition building, civil society and, 204–8 Colombia: Jesuit activism in, 114–15; revolutionary government in, 45 colonias of Cerro del Cuatro: access to services, differences in, 166–70; clientelist politics and, 66–70; evolution of, 57–62; sedoc involvement in, 77–86; self-help service provision and, 92–94; uci recruitment and, 88–91 Colosio, Luis Donaldo, 36, 95–96, 98, 136 Commission for the Regularization of Land Tenure (Comisión Reguladora de la Tenecia de la Tierra [corett]), 81–82, 96 communism, civil society and fall of, 44–52 Confederation of Mexican Workers (Confederacíon de Trabajadores de México [ctm]), 63 Contreras, Doña Julia, 69 Convergencia de Organizaciones Civiles para Democracia, 192n.1 Cornelius, Wayne, 39, 71 Cosio Vidaurri, Guillermo, 69–70 “culture of poverty” analysis, uci organizational structure and, 90–91 Dagnino, Evelina, 47, 50 Dahl, Robert, 32 Dau Flores, Enrique, 57 debt crisis: import-substitution industrialization and, 28; neoliberalism and, 23–26 de la Peña, Sofia, 12 Delgado, Gary, 124–25 democracy workshop in Cerro del Cuatro, 145–48 Democratic Fronte for Popular Struggle (Frente Democrático de Lucha Popular [fdlp]), 58n.5, 67 democratization movement: changes as result of, 20–21; citizen coalitions and, 9–10; civil society and, 44–52, 192–208; governance structures and, 31–33; neoliberalism and, 220 index...
