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i n d e x  accounts of services, , ‒, n., n.; and authenticity, ; and physical suffering, , ‒; presented by Huancas, ‒, ‒; presented by Recio de León, ‒; and successful conquest, ‒ Acuña, Christoval de, n., n. agency, native, , ; and Spanish engagements with landscape,  agriculture, indigenous: decline of, ‒; in Panamanian region, ‒ Aguachiles, , , , n. Albornoz, Cristóbal de,  alliances: between Andeans and lowland groups, ‒, n.; between Huancas and Spanish, ‒, n. Almagro, Diego de, , ‒; and expedition to Chile, ‒ Alonso Barba, Alvaro, n. Altuna, Elena, , ,  Alvarez Maldonado, Juan, ‒,  Amazon women,  Andagoya, Pascual de, ‒ Araona, ‒ archives, colonial: voices in,  Armentia, Nicolás de, n. Arriaga, Pablo Joseph de,  Ashcroft, Bill, n., n. Atahualpa, Inca, n.; capture of,  Audiencia of Charcas, ‒; frontier regions of, ; reducciones in,  Audiencia of Lima, ‒ Augustinians, ‒ authenticity, of reports, ‒ auxiliaries, Amerindian and black, ; death of and importance to Europeans, ‒, , nn.‒; disappearance of,  Avila, Francisco de, ,  Ayala, Fabián de,  Barrasa, Jacinto, n. Bender, Barbara: on idea of landscape,  Beni region, exploration of, n. Beni river, ‒, ‒; and silver transport to Spain, ,  binaries: between Andes and Amazon, , ; of domination and resistance, ; of European imperialism,  bishop of Cuzco, on destruction from conquest, ‒ bishop of Huamanga, and Andean migrants, ‒ bishop of La Paz, and report on frontier,  Bolaños, Alvaro,  Bolívar, Gregorio de, , n. Bunn, David,  Bustamante, Jesús, n. Butzer, Karl: on J.H. Elliott, n. Cajamarca,  Callaguaya, n. Camata,  Campo, Gonzalo de (archbishop), , ‒ Candia, Pedro de, ‒ Candire, n. Cañizares-Esguerra, Jorge, n. cannibalism,  Carcelén Reluz, Carlos, n. Cárdenas, Juan de,  Cari Cari reservoir, collapse of,  Carter, Paul, n. cartographic vision, ,  cartography: and fixity, ‒, ; and imperialism, ; popular,  Carvajal, Gaspar de: account of Orellana expedition, ‒, nn.‒ Castillero Calvo, Alfredo, n. Castillo, Francisco del, ‒, n. Charazani,  Chaupi Ñamca, n. Chinchón, Conde de (viceroy), ‒ Chunchos, , , ‒, ‒; colonial usage of term, n. Cieza de León, Pedro: on Amazon ventures, ‒; on conquest and Peruvian environment, , n.; on conquistadors’ suffering, ; on depopulation, ; on Hispanicized landscape, ‒; on Inca roads,  civil war, , n. coca, production of,  Cochabamba, eastern frontiers of, ‒, n. Collaguas, RG from, ‒ colonialism and landscape, theories of, ‒ Columbian quincentenary,  conquest: demystification of, ; key sites of, ‒, n.; and landscape, ‒ conversion, discourse of, ‒ Coroico, n. corporeality: of European colonizers, ‒ corregidores: and creation of RGs, , ‒, , , ‒, n.; Huanca support for, , n.; knowledge of jurisdictions, ; of Larecaja, , ; liberty of, ; of Potosí, ; and reducciones,  corregimientos, strategic requests for, n. Cortés, Hernán, ‒ Council of the Indies, ; and Recio de León’s petition, ‒ Craib, Raymond,   Index [] Project MUSE (2024-04-19 22:00 GMT) Cresswell, Timothy: on concept of landscape, n.; on everyday practices, n.; on resistance,  criollos,  Cusichaca, Francisco de: testimony presented by, ‒ Cuzco, ; destruction of in conquest, ‒; eastern frontiers of, ‒ D’Altroy, Terence, ; on the Huancas, n. Dávila Briceño, Diego, ‒, ; attachment to Huarochirí, , ‒; description of Pariacaca cult, ‒; map of Yauyos province, , ‒, ,  deities: in Huarochirí, ‒; in Jauja province,  Denevan, William, n., n. depopulation: in Andean piedmont regions, n.; in coastal regions, ‒; in Huarochirí, , ‒; and landscape experience, ; proposed solutions to, ‒, n.; in Upper Peru, ‒ Diabeni. See Beni river discourses, scientific,  Dutch: attacks on Spanish fleets, ; presence in Amazon, ,  Duviols, Pierre, n. El Dorado: indigenous reports of, n.; and the Orellana expedition,  Elliott, J.H., ‒; ; on geography, n.; on indigenous agency, n. empire, theories of, ‒ entero de plata,  Espinoza Soriano, Waldemar: on Spanish consumption of resources, , n., n. Estete, Miguel de, ‒,  Ette, Otmar,  Europeans, northern: presence in Amazon,  eyewitness accounts of the New World, indigenous, ‒ familiarity: fantasy of, ; of New World landscapes to Europeans, ‒ fanega, defined, n. fixity, ‒, , ‒ forasteros, ‒ fortifications: above Cuzco, ‒; in Larecaja,  Fossa, Lydia, , n. Franciscans, ‒ Fraser, Valerie, n. frontiers, Amazon, , ; and attacks on settlements, n.; defense of, ‒; and discursive strategies, , ‒, ; and fears of invasion, ; and resources, , ‒ geographical accounts. See Relaciones Geográficas geographical imagination, Spanish: as homogeneous,  geographical knowledge, colonial: construction of, ; scholarly interest in,  geography, colonial: emergence of new Hispanicized landscape, ‒ Gerbi, Antonello,  Index  gold: and frontier settlement, ; precolonial mining of, ; theories on formation of, , n., n. government of the Indies, by questionnaires, ‒ Graubart, Karen: on colonial accounts of Peru, ; on protoorientalist vocabulary,  Griffiths, Nicholas, n., n. Gruzinski, Serge, , , , n., n., n. Guacra Paucar, Felipe de, n., n.; and excavation of huacas, ‒; role as mediator,  Guacra Paucar, Gerónimo, ; petition presented by, , ; witness of,  Guadalupe, Nuestra Señora de: town of, ‒ Guanca, Santo Tomás de,  Guerrero, Antonio de, ‒, , n. Hanan Huanca, repartimiento of,  Hernández Girón, Francisco: capture of, ‒ Herrera Hurtado, Rodrigo de,  Holland, Dorothy,  huacas, ; concealment of, ‒, ; defined, n.; excavation of, ‒ Huamanga: and the reducciones, ‒; RGs from...
