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Index 203 Afanasiev, Nicolas, 16–17 Anderson, Paul, and, 90 on early church, 46–49 Evdokimov, Paul, and, 132 in Fraternity of the Holy Trinity, 90 influence on ecclesiology of Vatican II, 46 renewal of the liturgy and, 99 on replacement of love by law, 58 Ages of the Spiritual Life, The (Evdikomov), 50, 132, 141 Aleksei I, Patriarch of Moscow, 93 Alipius, 30 Allen, John, 31 All Saints (Ellsberg), 159, 167 Anderson, Paul, 5, 87–95, 167 as advisor, 93 on Berdiaev, Nikolai A., 92, 94 on Bulgakov, Sergius, 91–92 Fedotov, George, and, 90 at Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, 91 Meyendorff, John, and, 90 in Paris, 89–93 in Russia, 88–89 Andronikov, Constantin, 90 Anglican-Orthodox Agreed Statement (1976), 93 apokatastasis (resurrection of all people), 43–44 ascetism, 128 Athanasius the Great, 45 Athenagoras I, Ecumenical Patriarch, 93 Augustine, Saint, 12, 29–30, 106 Balthasar, Hans urs von, 42 Baranov, Dimitri, 72, 73 Basil the Great of Caesarea, 85, 105 Behr, André, 79, 81 Behr-Sigel, Elisabeth, 5, 76–87, 147, 167 on Bukharev, Alexander, 77, 83 Evdokimov, Michel, on, 78 Behr-Sigel, Elisabeth (cont.) Evdokimov, Paul, and, 80 Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius and, 82 on Gillet, Lev, 138, 147 lecturer at Orthodox Theological Society of America, 81 Lossky, Madeleine and Vladimir, and, 80 Lossky, Olga, and, 77 Lossky, Olga, on, 78, 81, 83 new hagiography and, 29 in Russian Christian Students Movement, 90 on Skobtsova, Mother Maria, 147 student of Bouyer, Louis, 79 on women in the Orthodox Church, 84, 87 Benedict XVI, 148, 165 Berdiaev, Nikolai A., 89, 92, 94 Bernanos, Georges, 143 Berrigan, Dan, 157 Berrigan, Phil, 157 Bezobrazov, Bishop Cassian, 90 Bianchi, Enzo, 5, 120–21, 164–65 Bible, 14–15 on holiness, 44–45 on holiness of the whole people of God, 46, 49, 162 Blake, Eugene Carson, 93 Blandine, Mother, 91 Blok, Alexander, 17 Bloom, Metropolitan Anthony, 84 on Mother Maria, 19 new hagiography on, 29 on prayer, 97 Schmemann, Alexander, on people flying to London for confession with, 114 Bloy, Léon, 126 Bobrinsky, Boris, 90 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 13, 143–46 commemoration of, 98 problematic status of, 26 Bose monastic community, 117, 120–21, 123 martyrology compiled by, 24, 98, 159 World Council of Churches conference in fall 2008, 32 Botte, Bernard, 46 Bouyer, Louis, 46, 79 Bria, Ion, 99 Bride of the Lamb, The (Bulgakov), 42 Brown, Matthew, 9–10 Bukharev, Alexander, 77, 83 Bulgakov, Helena Ivanova, 70 Bulgakov, Sergius, 16, 42–45, 79 Anderson, Paul, and, 89, 90 Anderson, Paul, on, 91–92 Behr-Sigel, Elisabeth, and, 80 contribution to Living Tradition, 119 death of, 72 Evdokimov, Paul, and, 17 on holiness, 42 on line demarcating good and evil, 172 Reitlinger, Joanna, and, 69, 70, 72 on resurrection of all people, 43–44 on sanctity, 37 on tools of spiritual life, 98 “By Jacob’s Well” (Bulgakov), 98 Cabasilas, Nicolas, 103 canonizations, 31, 32 Day, Dorothy, on, 40 by John Paul II, 25 problematic cases, 25–26 Capon, Robert Farrar, 106 Index 204 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 12:30 GMT) Catholic Worker, The, 156 celebrity, holiness and, 26 Chetverikov, Sergius, 89 Christianity, failures of institutional, 120 churching daily life, 91, 100–101 church life, separation from daily life, 111–12 Church of the Holy Spirit, The (Afanasiev), 50 Church-World Mission (Schmemann), 110 CIMADE, 131 Clarke, Maura, 160 Claverie, Pierre, 150 Clément, Olivier, 80, 82 on Evdokimov, Paul, 131–32 Community of Jerusalem, 117 Compton, Sophia, 24 Contacts (journal), 81 Copland, Aaron, 169 Cranmer, Thomas, 98 Craughwell, Thomas, 29–30 Crow, Gillian, 29 Cunningham, Lawrence, 24, 30 Dacany, Mariano, 31 Daly, Father Albert, 167 Daniélou, Jean, 46 Daniels, Kate, 140 Dawkins, Richard, 165 Day, Dorothy, 155–56 on canonization, 40 colorful life of, 25–26, 40 Elie, Paul, on, 24 Ellsberg, Robert, on, 24 new hagiography on, 29 “Day of a Stranger” (Merton), 133 de Lubac, Henri, 46 Denis, Maurice, 70 diaries. See journals Differenze cristiana, La (Enzo), 165 Diveyevo Chronicles (Seraphim of Sarov), 21, 142 Divine Wisdom Bulgakov, Sergius, on, 43, 80 Merton, Thomas, on, 51 Donovan, Jean, 160 Dukes, Mark, 161 ecumenism of Anderson, Paul, 90, 94 of Behr-Sigel, Elisabeth, 79, 82 of Bulgakov, Sergius, 92 of Evdokimov, Paul, 131 of Gillet, Lev, 19 in prayer books, 97–98 See also Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius; Gillet, Lev Elie, Paul, 24 Ellacuría, Ignacio, 160 Ellsberg, Robert, 15...
