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I N D E X 277 abasement (anéantissement), 9 Abraham (biblical figure), 111–16, 119, 195–96 Act of Separation (1905), 3 Adorno, Theodor, 23, 181 aesthetic theory, 19, 55, 124–25, 129–33 Against Forgetting (Forché), 145 Agathon (Massis, Henri), 15–16, 33–34, 43, 57, 110 Alexander III, 30 “All is Light” (RM), 136, 138–39 Altermann, Jean-Pierre, 101 American Society of Aesthetics, 124 Anderson, Amanda, 14 L’ange de l’école ou Saint Thomas d’Aquin (RM), 85 Angela of Foligno, 38, 39, 70, 81, 186 L’année liturgique (The Liturgical Year) (Guéranger), 38 L’annonce faite à Marie (Claudel), 13 anticlericalism, 31–34, 68, 197 anti-Semitism. See also Shoah Catholic Church position on, 43, 52, 99, 115, 118 European, escalation of, 109–10, 115, 117 in France, 48, 110–11, 153 JM and, 116 Les grandes amities, influence on ending, 169–70 of revivalists, 99 Arendt, Hannah, 11, 70 Aronowicz, Annette, 44 art, doctrine on, 128–29 Art et scholastique (RM & JM), 129 Asch, Shalom, 158–59 assimilation, 31, 52, 67, 103, 120, 165 À travers le désastre (JM), 155 Au creux du rocher (RM), 191 Augustine, St., 111, 184 “Aux morts désespérés” (RM), 17, 126, 143–44, 145 Les aventures de la grâce (Adventures in Grace) (Les grandes amities, vol. 2) (RM), 155, 156, 167 In this index the following abbreviations are used: JM for Jacques Maritain, RM for Raïssa Maritain, and VO for Véra Oumançoff. Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules Amédée, 9, 69–70 Bataille, Georges, 21 Baudelaire, Charles, 8, 131 Beauvoir, Simone de, 197 Béguin, Albert, 132 Belkind, Achsa, 101 Benda, Julien, 44, 55, 104 Benedictine monastery at Solesmes, 38 Benedict XV, 61 Benjamin, Walter, 21, 55, 150–51, 161, 183 Bergson, Henri Bloy and, 29 conversion of, 165 on freedom of the self, 36–37, 39 French intellectual life, influence on, 36, 39 on intuition, 36, 51, 130–31 mysticism and, 37–38, 45, 51 on perception and memory, 182–84 positivism, opposition to, 36, 38 radical spiritualism, 197 RM and —essay on, 150 —influence on, 29, 36–38, 45, 55–56, 75, 126, 130–31 —works compared, 26 Bernanos, Georges, 21, 99, 111 Bernard, Jean-Jacques, 108 Bertrand, Aloysius, 235n31 Bérulle, Pierre de, 9, 90 Bing, Suzanne, 101 Bloody Sunday, 39–40 Bloy, André, 45 Bloy, Jeanne, 45 Bloy, Léon admirers of, 55 aesthetic theory, 65 on art, 128 Bergson and, 29 conversion of, 9, 70 critics of, 70 decadent imagination, 13, 62, 65, 89, 94 God and, 46, 49–51, 63–67, 183 Holy Ghost —association with the abject, 65 —wandering Jew, kinship with, 138 on indifference to the Holocaust, 198 influence of —on conversions of others, 29, 144 —on French intellectual community, 119–20 —as spiritual father, 28–29 —in works of others, 21 on Jewish-Christian unity, 43, 44, 47–52, 98, 111, 114–16, 119 on Jewish particularity, 50, 52 Jews, personal knowledge of, 53 JM and, 28, 72, 75, 77, 82–83 La Salette —devotion to Our Lady of, 5, 59, 60, 71, 73–74, 79 —in works of, 66–67, 69, 71, 183–84 life of, 45, 64 memory-suffering-healing linked by, 65–66, 183–84 mentioned, 10, 61, 73, 74, 84, 94, 109, 128 modernity, opposition to, 51–52, 55–56, 65, 69 Péguy and, 29, 52–53 philo-Semitism, established, 98 RM and —admiration for, 45 —Clérissac compared by, 81 —conversion, influence on, 18, 26, 44–56 —friendship with, 45–47, 72 278 / Index —Les grandes amitiés (RM), 164–65, 167, 170, 198, 199–200 —impressions of, 101–2, 201 —intellectual life, influence on, 29, 70, 82–83, 105, 115, 119, 128, 158 —Judaism, understanding of, 158–59 —La Salette, devotion to Our Lady of, 72–73 —memorial essay to, 184 —promotion of, 201 —works compared, 80, 113–15, 138 —works influenced by, 54–55, 87–88, 119, 163, 167 —works published by, 47–48 —works quoted by, 198, 199–200 —works translated by, 150, 157, 181–82, 190 Roulé, Anne-Marie and, 64 on sanctity, 45, 46, 67 on suffering —centered on the figure of the Jew, 18, 44, 53, 55, 57, 195, 201 —healing and transformation through, 65–66, 79, 183–84 —joy tied to, 2 —the rich and, 46 —union with God and, 5, 9 suffering, attraction to, 46 on suffering femininity, 6, 52, 61–67, 70, 201 on women —Church’s...
