In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

i n d e x o f n a m e s a n d s u b j e c t s 358 Adam creation of, 102, 128n.21, 273 Fall of, 99, 193, 207n.27, 310, 315n.7 first word of, 28, 142–44, 155, 159n.20 Adonis, 251 adultery, 191–92, 207n.27 Albert the Great De causis, 128n.22 De natura et origine animae, 104 influence on Dante, 310, 311 on “lumen gloriae,” 160n.30 as teacher, 288 Alexander of Hales, 105 allegory in the Bible, 3, 7, 216, 226–27, 295–96 Coleridge on Dante and allegory, 248–49 vs. literal truth, 3, 295–96 in poetry, 3, 7 Ambrose, St.: on the Church, 227 analogy, 7, 262 angels Aquinas on angelic hierarchy, 39, 40, 55n.9 Aquinas on creation of, 123, 169–70 Augustine on creation of, 143–44, 277 Beatrice on affections of, 123–24 Beatrice on angelic hierarchy, 38–43, 55n.5, 110, 111, 119, 258, 276 Beatrice on creation of, 121–22, 123, 153, 277 Bernard on angelic hierarchy, 39, 56n.11 Bonaventure on angelic hierarchy, 39, 55n.9 communication between, 164–65, 169–70, 291 creation of, 63–64, 110, 113, 119–21, 123, 129n.54, 143–44, 152–53, 169–70, 273, 277 Dionysius on angelic hierarchy, 39–41, 43, 55nn.8, 9, 110, 258 as fallen/Lucifer, 120–21, 129n.54, 136, 277 Gregory the Great on angelic hierarchy, 39–43, 54, 55nn.7, 9, 56n.11, 110, 119, 258 vs. human beings, 64, 67, 121, 164–65, 169–70, 273, 277, 291 “Index of Angels,” 55n.6 intellect of, 64, 117, 119, 129n.54, 273, 277, 282n.6, 284n.17 and liturgy, 138, 139, 196, 197–98 Lombard on angelic hierarchy, 39, 56n.11 memory of, 121–22, 123, 129n.54 number of, 123 Paul on, 38, 40–41, 43, 55n.9, 56n.10, 258 and praise of God, 143–44, 152–53, 154, 169 will of, 121, 129n.54 Anonimo Fiorentino, 196 Aquinas, Thomas on actus hominis vs. actus humanus, 305n.6 on angelic hierarchy, 39, 40, 55n.9 on the Ascension, 175, 176 on beatitude, 152 on contrition and repentance, 185–86 on creation of angels, 123, 169–70 on creation of substances, 123, 129n.51 vs. Dante, 286, 287, 297, 300–301, 320 on Dionysius the Areopagite, 39, 40 vs. Eckhart, 11, 286, 287, 288, 289, 294, 297–302 on eclipse during Christ’s Passion, 123 on excessus of soul from body, 173 Exp. Eth. 10, lect. 10, 2092, 128n.22 on glory, 151, 152 on God as Creator, 116, 315n.6 on God’s goodness, 315n.6 on Hesiod and love, 96 on humility, 203 on humor, 44 In Duodecim Libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis 1.4, 984b29, lect. 5, 102, 127n.1 influence on Dante, 2, 16, 124, 162, 165, 297, 310, 311 on light, 160n.30 on love for God, 135 on memory of angels, 123 on metaphor, 295–96 on Moses, 173 in Paradiso, 16, 22, 25–26, 40, 43, 50, 117–18, 123, 124, 136, 153, 156, 222, 325 on participation in divine being, 7 on St. Paul, 173, 178n.9 on play (ludus), 58n.19 on poetry, 288, 294–97, 305n.12 on power of the priest’s absolution, 186 on prophets, 194 on Purgatory, 132 Quodlibetal Questions 7, q. 6, 295 on resurrection of the body, 170 on sacraments, 287 on salvation, 176 and scripture, 318–19 on the soul, 98, 132 on speech of angels, 169 on theological language, 6, 11, 294–97, 298–99, 301 Aquinas, Thomas, Summa contra Gentiles 2.46.6, 315n.6 3.68, 314n.4 Aquinas, Thomas, Summa Theologiae Ia.1.9.ad3, 305n.15 Ia.1.9.corp and ad1, 305n.14 Ia.1.9.obj1, 305n.12 Ia.1.10.corp and ad3, 305n.14 Ia.6.1, 130n.59 Ia.8.2, 314n.4 Ia.8.4, 314n.4 Ia.12.2, 92n.4 Ia.39.8, 127n.2 Ia.45.7, 92n.15 Ia.46.3.resp, 129n.51 Ia.57, 165, 170 Ia.58.4.ad2, 305n.10 Ia.60.1.ad3, 159n.15 Ia.60.5.ad4, 159n.15 Ia.61.3 and resp, 129n.52 Ia.65.2.ad1, 152 Ia.66.1.ad2, 129n.41 Ia.79.2, 127n.4 Ia.107, 165, 178n.7, 55n.9 Ia.108.6.resp4, 55n.9 IaIIae.1.1.corp, 305n.6...
