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INDEX OF OTHER POEMS AND WORKS OF DONNE CITED IN THE COMMENTARY (For an explanation of the abbreviations used below, see the list of Short Forms of Reference for Donne's works on pages xviii-xxiv.) Anniv, 118, 193 Anniversaries, 137, 181,3°5,4°9,422,469 BedfHon, 383 BedfWrit, 426 Biathanatos, 181, 190, 199 BoulRee, 131, 136-37,294,297,3°7,310,318 Canon, 353 Christ, 141, 145,257,431,439,442-43,532 Commun, 151 ConfL, 151 Corona, 116, 118, 126, 130, 133-34, 137, 140, 142, 150, 160, 168, 189, 203, 2°7-12, 294, 336, 448 Cor2, 131 Corl, 23 1, 519 Cross, 199, 356, 532, 550 Death's Duell, 129 Devotions, 134, 156, 159, 163, 180, 190,201, 218-19, 338, 341, 346, 359, 375, 457, 520, 537 Divine Poems, 121-23, 137, 154, 156, 178, 182, 186, 198, 200, 205, 294 Eest, 182, 193, 256, 272 ED, 134, 136, 142-44, 348 ElBed, 176 Elegies, 153, 216 600 EIFatal, 449 EINat, 353 EIPart, 477 EIServe, 45 I ElWar, 241 Essays, 202, 243, 385, 405, 457, 468 Fare, 376 Father, 140-41, 147, 158,227-29,234,431,437 Fever, 410 FirAn, 190 Fun, 168 Funeral Elegies, I 17 Goodf, 128-29, 154, 156, 176, 199, 214, 21 9, 269, 279, 281, 340, 357, 398, 529, 532 GoodM, 439, 448, 475 Hymns, 118, 122-23, 127, 131, 145, 153, 17374 , 176, 200, 21 5 Ignatius, 134, 156 Image, 537 Ind, 543 Lam, 209-10 Letters, 163, 389, 468, 512 Lit, 118, 120, 126, 131, 140, 150, 152, 199, 210, 257, 263, 330, 356, 497 LovAlch, 151 LovExeh, 267 LovGrow, 345 LovInf, 484,515-16 LovUsury, 259 INDEX OF OTHER POEMS AND WORKS OF DONNE CITED IN THE COMMENTARY (For an explanation of the abbteviations used below, see the list of Short Forms of Refetence for Donne's works on pages xviii-xxiv.) Anniv, IIS, 193 Anniversaries, 137, lSI, 305, 409, 422, 469 BedfHon, 3S3 BedfWrit, 426 Biathanatos, 18r, 190, 199 BoulRec, 131, 136-37,294,297,3°7,310,318 Canon, 353 Christ, 141, 145,257,431,439,442-43,532 Commun,15 1 ConfL, 151 Corona, II6, II8, 126, 130, 133-34, 137, 140, 142, 150, 160, 168, 189, 203, 2°7-12, 294, 336, 448 Cor2, 13I Carl, 23',5'9 Cross, 199, 356, 532, 550 Death's Duell, 129 Devotions, '34, 156, '59, 163, 180, 19°,201, 218-19, 338, 34 ' , 346, 359, 375, 457, 52~ 537 Divine Poems, 121-23, 137, 154, 156, 178, 182, 186, 198, 200, 205, 294 Ecst, 182, '93, 256, 272 ED, '34, 136, '42-44, 348 ElBed, 176 Elegies, 153, 216 600 EIFatal, 449 EINat,353 EIPart,477 EIServe,45 1 EIWar, 24' Essays, 202, 243, 385, 405, 457, 468 Fare, 376 Father, 140-41, '47, 158,227-29,234,431,437 Fever, 410 FirAn, 190 Fun, 168 Funeral Elegies, 117 Goodf, 128-29, '54, 156, 176, 199,214, 21 9, 269, 279, 28" 340, 357, 398, 529, 532 GoodM, 439, 448, 475 Hymns, II8, 122-23, 127, 131, '45, 153, 17374 , 176, 200, 21 5 Ignatius, 134, 156 Image, 537 Ind, 543 Lam, 2°9-10 Letters, 163, 389, 468, 512 Lit, II8, 120, 126, '3', 140, '50, '52, 199, 210, 257, 263, 330, 356, 497 LovAlch, '5' LovExch, 267 LovGrow, 345 LovInf, 484,515-16 LovUsury, 259 Metem, 116, 193, 368 MHMary, 133-34 Pseudo--Martyr, 130, 134, 136, 143, 275, 297 Relic, 406, 410, 426, 428, 534 Sappho, 287 Sat3, 183, 207, 452, 454, 456, 458-59, 461 , 463-64, 470-71, 473, 515 SB, 348 SecAn, 159, 19°,337,342,345,43°,461,469 Sermons, 123, 128-29, 180-81, 199,202,216, 25 1, 259, 269, 284, 295,305,312,315,350, 365, 383,393,4°2, 409, 411, 423, 426, 440, 457, 465, 471, 516, 532-33, 538, 553 SOO,394 Sickness, 140, 257 Sidney, 210, 404 Songs and Sonets, 119, 123, 125, 132, 138-39, 179, 305 Tilman, 145, 512 Twick, 184, 484 Valmourn, 314, 431,484 ValName, 314 ValWeep, 128, 209,337, 345,484 Verse Letters, 183 WomCon, 510 INDEX OF DONNE'S WORKS 601 Metem, 116, '93, 368 MHMary, '33-34 Pseudo-Martyr, '30, '34, 136, '43, 275, 297 Relic, 406, 4'°, 426, 428, 534 Sappho, 287 Sat3, 183, 2°7,452,454,456,458-59,46" 463-64,47°-71,473,515 SB, 348 SecAn, '59, '9°,337,342,345,43°,46',469 Sermons...
