In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

INDEX OF AUTHORS CITED IN THE COMMENTARY (Pages numbered in boldface contain primary entries.) Adams, Robert M., (1958) 227, 502, 529, (1962) 120, 138, 147-48, 177,221,314, 317,334,342-43,346-47,365,4°8, 411, 432,453,456,473,476-77, (1979) 316, 376, 379 Addleshaw, S., 118, 282 Aers, David and Gunther Kress, 153, 223-24, 333,432,435,443,510 Albrecht, Roberta J., 145, 225-26, 416 Allain, Mathe, 127 Allen, M. C., 307, 311 Allinson, Mark, 199 Altizer, Alma B., 124-25, 249, 276, 333, 368, 500, 525 Alvarez, A., 120-21, 148, 160 Alves, Leonard, E S. C., 165, 195-96 Anonymous (184°),243,282,3°3,4°0,421 Anonymous QR (1862-63), 116, 276, 293 Anonymous (1864), 348 Anonymous Ath (1899), 510,522 Anonymous AC (1900),178,294 Anonymous (1938), 134,261, 360, 539 Anonymous (1956), 506 Ansari, Asloob Ahmad, 125, 232, 341, 343, 346, 367, 424, 426, 486 Archer, Stanley, (1961) 160, (1971) 380, (1977) 286,424-25,467,479,5°8,554 Arndt, Murray D., 153 Aronstein, Philip, 134, 201,303, 394, 456, 458, 512 Asals, Heather, 176, 396, 419-20, 502, 506 Austin, Frances, 166, 173-74 Badenhausen, Richard, 310-II Bagg, Robert, 462 588 Baker, Herschel, 40I Bald, R. C., (1970a) 542, (1970b) 121, 123, 126, 139, 145, 206,433 Banzer, Judith, 205, 221 Baranczak, Stanislaw, (1984) 136, 142,316, 318,342,380,387,4°7,445,472-76,495, 5°8,553-54 Barrett, Elizabeth, 537, 548 Bartine, David, 300 Battenhouse, Roy W., 336, 456, 459, 472 Baumgaertner, Jill Pelaez, 228-29, 455-56 Beaver, Joseph C., 177-78 Bedford, R. D., 262-63 Beer, Patricia, 248 Bell, Arthur Henry, 191, 248 Bellette, Anthony E, 162, 261, 270, 322, 349, 388,416,515,523,525 Benet, Diana, 202, 209 Bennett, J. A. W., 535 Bennett, Joan, 177, 179, 187, 268, 272, 390, 394,4°1,4°5-06,422-23,434,439,447-48, 465,477,523,536 Bennett, Roger E., 135 Bergman, David and Daniel Mark Epstein, 346 Berry, Boyd M., 391 Bethell, S. L., 229-30, 254, 264-66, 269, 274 Bewley, Marius, 456, 464 Blamires, Henry, 181 Blanch, Robert J., 125, 193, 249, 276, 325, 333, 351,362,463,5°0,513 Boase, Alan M., 202 Bond, Ronald B., 349-50 Booty, John E., (1982) 195, (1984) 164-65, (1990) 225, 265, 270-72, 274, 287, 290-91, 315,317-18,328-29,342-47,363-66,37677 ,379-80,385-87,4°7,410-12,425,42728 ,43°,446,448-49,452,472-76,478,480, INDEX OF AUTHORS CITED IN THE COMMENTARY (Pages numbered in boldface contain primary entries.) Adams, Robert M., (1958) 227, 502, 529, (1962) 120, 138, 147-48, 177, 221,314, 317,334,342-43,346-47,365,4°8,411, 432,453,456,473,476-77, (1979) 316, 376,379 Addleshaw, S., rr8, 282 Aers, David and Gunther Kress, 153, 223-24, 333, 432, 435, 443, 510 Albrecht, Roberta J., 145, 225-26, 416 Allain, Mathe, 127 Allen, M. C, 307, 3rr Allinson, Mark, 199 Altizer, Alma B., 124-25, 249, 276, 333, 368, 500, 525 Alvarez, A., 120-21, 148, 160 Alves, Leonard, E S. C, 165, 195-96 Anonymous (1840), 243, 282, 303, 400, 421 Anonymous QR (1862-63), rr6, 276, 293 Anonymous (1864),348 Anonymous Ath (1899),510, 522 Anonymous AC (19°°), 178, 294 Anonymous (1938), 134,261, 360, 539 Anonymous (1956), 506 Ansari, Asloob Ahmad, 125, 232, 341, 343, 346, 367, 424, 426, 486 Archer, Stanley, (1961) 160, (197I) 380, (1977) 286, 424-25,467, 479, 508,554 Arndt, Murray D., 153 Aronstein, Philip, 134,201,3°3,394,456,458, 512 Asals, Heather, 176, 396, 419-20, 502, 506 Austin, Frances, 166, 173-74 Badenhausen, Richard, 310-rr Bagg, Robert, 462 588 Baker, Herschel, 401 Bald, R. C., (l97oa) 542, (l97ob) 121, 123, 126, 139, 145, 206, 433 Banzer, Judith, 205, 221 Baranczak, Stanislaw, (1984) 136, 142, 316, 318,342,380,387,407,445,472-76,495, 508, 553-54 Barrett, Elizabeth, 537, 548 Bartine, David, 300 Battenhouse, Roy W., 336, 456, 459, 472 Baumgaertner, Jill Pelaez, 228-29, 455-56 Beaver, Joseph C, 177-78 Bedford, R. D., 262-63 Beer, Patricia, 248 Bell, Arthur Henry, 191, 248 Bellette, Anthony E, 162, 261, 270, 322, 349, 388,416,515,523,525 Benet, Diana, 202, 209 Bennett, J. A. W, 535 Bennett, Joan, 177, 179, 187, 268, 272, 390, 394,4...
