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247 Index Acehnese culture,  Achille Lauro (ship),  Ad Hoc Committee on Terrorism, – adaptations to terrorism, . See also responses and retaliation Afghanistan: Cold War conflicts, , ; contrasted with Iraq, ; as failed state, ; military campaign in, , , –, , , , ; missile strikes, ; opium trade, , , –n; regime change, ; sanctions, , , ; Security Council and, ; September  attacks and, , –, – ; Soviet occupation, ; Taliban regime, , , – Africa, , , . See also specific nations African National Congress (ANC),  African Union, , ,  Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB),  Aga Khan Foundation, – An Agenda for Peace,  aircraft attacks: multilateral agreements on, , , ; Pan Am flight  (Lockerbie) bombing, , , –, n; UTA flight  (Niger) bombing, , , – airport safety,  Al Qaeda: Afghan conflict, , –; amphibolous terrorism, ; asymmetrical violence, ; attention shifted from, ; centers of operation, , , n, ; contrasted with other terror groups, ; criminal connections, ; effect on international politics, ; failed states and, –; financial network, , , , , n, –n, n; focus on, ; Geneva Conventions and, ; ideological motivations, –, , ; political theology, ; as preeminent threat, ; sanctions, ; September  attacks and, ; state sponsorship, ; structure, , , , ; terrorism definitions, ; U.S. responses to, ,  Albright, Madeleine K., ,  Algeria, , , ,  Allende, Salvador,  Alvarez, José, n American Bankers Association,  Amnesty International,  amphibolous terrorism, , , –, , – analytical frameworks, –, – anarchy, – Anderson, Malcolm,  Angel, Zuleta, , n Angola,  Annan, Kofi: condemnation of terrorism, ; on coordination efforts, –; General Assembly speech, ; Nobel Peace Prize, ; Policy Working Group, ; on prevention of terrorism, –, ; quoted, ; on U.S. response to terror attacks,  Anti-Ballistic Missile treaties,  anti-colonialism, , , , ,  anti-globalization,  apartheid, , ,  Arab League, , , ,  Arab-Israeli conflict, , n, ,  Argentina,  “armed attack” concept,  arms trade, –, , n, n,  Article ,  Article , n Article : on self-defense, n, , n; use of force requirements, ; weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and,  Asia, . See also specific nations Asian-Europe Meeting (ASEM), n assassination, , n Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), , , n, n asylum, ,  asymmetrical violence,  asymmetries of power,  Atta, Mohammed,  attribution of terrorist acts, – Aufhauser, David,  Aum Shinrikyo,  Australia,  Auto-Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), ,  aviation and maritime law, – Axelrod, Robert,  “axis of evil” speech: Cold War mentality of, ; European position on, ; opposition to, n; public opinion on, ; self-defense and, ; unilateralism and, ; uniting effect of, . See also specific nations Aznar, José María,  Azzam, Abdullah, , n banking, , . See also financing terrorism Basel Declaration,  Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA), ,  Belgium, –n Benghazi, Libya,  Benjamin, Daniel,  bin Laden, Osama: amphibolous terrorism, ; attention shifted from, ; charitable support, ; embassy bombings, –; fight against Soviet occupation, ; financial network, , –n; focus on, ; governmental support for, ; ideological motivations, , –, n; personal wealth, ; state sponsorship, ; support Note: Page numbers in bold indicate chapter entries. Page numbers in italics indicate charts and illustrations. 248 Index for, n, ; Taliban regime and, , ; U.S. attacks on, ; U.S. intelligence on, n biological weapons, n. See also weapons of mass destruction (WMD) Bishkek conference, , n Blair, Tony,  bombings, , , n Bonn Agreement,  Bosnia, , ,  Boulden, Jane,  Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, –,  Brahimi, Lakhdar, , n Brazil,  Britain. See United Kingdom (UK) Brzezinski, Zbigniew, – “Bucharest Plan of Action for Combating Terrorism,” – Bull, Hedley,  Burkina Faso,  Bush, George H. W. (and administration), , ,  Bush, George W. (and administration): address to Congress, n; “axis of evil” speech, , , , , , n, ; criticized, – ; development assistance, ; General Assembly speech, –; linkage of Iraq and terrorism, ; multilateralist efforts, , – , n; “new” Bush doctrine, –; oversights in war on terror, –; on poverty and terrorism, ; public opinion, , –; response to terrorist attacks, , , –, ; State of the Union Address, ; Sudan conflict, ; UN address, ; Warsaw Conference, ; on weapons of mass destruction (WMD), n Cambodia,  Canada, , ,  Carlos (the Jackal), n Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict,  Caroline incident,  Carter, Jimmy (and administration),  Carter Center,  Castro, Fidel, ,  causes of terrorism. See root causes of terrorism Central Asia,  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), , ,  Centre for International Crime Prevention (CICP), , , , n, n challenges of terrorism, , – Chapter VII of the UN Charter, , , , – , ,  Chapter VIII of the UN Charter,  Chapter IX of the UN Charter,  charity: foreign aid and, ; Islamic philanthropy , , –; money-laundering and, –n; terrorism financing and, – ,  Charter for European Security,  Charter on Preventing and Combating Terrorism,  Chechnya, , , ,  chemical weapons, –, n. See also weapons of mass destruction (WMD) Chemical Weapons Convention, – Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, , – China, , , ,  Chirac, Jacques, ,  Chretien, Jean,  Christian fundamentalism,  civil rights, , n civil wars,  civilian targets of terrorism, , ,  The Clash of Civilizations (Huntington), – clash of civilizations thesis, , – Claude, Inis,  Clinton, Bill (and administration), , , – , –,  coalitions, , –,  Cold War: amphibolous terrorism, –; effect on the UN, ; General Assembly and, ; human rights and, ; institutions affected by, ; Security Council during, , ; state terrorism and, , ; structural legacies, ; terrorism during, , ; transatlantic relations and, ; UN development and, – collective security, , –, , , , . See also self-defense Colombia, , –n colonialism, , ,  command relationships,  Commission on Global Governance,  Commission on Human Rights (CHR), –,  Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), , ,  “complicit society” thesis,  consensus on terrorism, , , . See also defining terrorism conspiracy theories, ,  Convention for the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism, , –,  Convention for the Suppression of...
