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APPENDIX 4. Stuttgart Declaration of Guilt (Evangelical Church of Germany council, October 1945) The Council of the Protestant Church in Germany welcomes representatives of the World Council of Churches to its meeting on October 18–19, 1945, in Stuttgart. We are all the more thankful for this visit, as we know ourselves to be with our people in a great community of suªering, but also in a great solidarity of guilt. With great anguish we state: through us has endless suªering been brought to many peoples and countries. What we have often borne witness to before our congregations, we now declare in the name of the whole Church. We have for many years struggled in the name of Jesus Christ against the spirit which found its terrible expression in the National Socialist regime of tyranny, but we accuse ourselves for not witnessing more courageously, for not praying more faithfully, for not believing more joyously, and for not loving more ardently. Now a new beginning can be made in our churches. Grounded on the Holy Scriptures, directed with all earnestness toward the only Lord of the Church, they now proceed to cleanse themselves from influences alien to the faith and to set themselves in order. Our hope is in the God of grace and mercy that He will use our churches as His instruments and will give them authority to proclaim His word, and in obedience to His will to work creatively among ourselves and among our people. That in this new beginning we may become wholeheartedly united with the other churches of the ecumenical fellowship fills us with deep joy. We hope in God that through the common service of the churches the spirit of violence and revenge which again today tends to become powerful may be brought under control in the whole world, and that the spirit of peace and love may gain the mastery, wherein alone tortured humanity can find healing. So in an hour in which the whole world needs a new beginning we pray: “Veni Creator Spiritus.” Bishop Wurm Pastor Niemöller Bishop Meiser Landesoberkirchenrat Lilje Superintendent Hahn Superintendent Held Bishop Dibelius Pastor Niesel Professor Smend Dr. Heinemann Pastor Asmussen ...
