In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

I N D E X Abraham, Karl, 114–16, 123 Abrahams, Roger, 258 Adams, Hazard, 168, 326–36, 361–62nn10–12 Adorno, Theodor, 279, 293–97, 300, 301, 335 Aeschylus, 109 affectivetheory,xiii,87–89,91,105–106,111–13, 191–92, 213 African myth, 214–15 Alcheringa, 259 allegory: of fable, 26–30, 44, 342n1; and meaning , 319; shift away from, 3–15; vs. symbol, 36–37, 43–44, 68, 81–82, 130–31; types of, 328–29 Althusser, Louis, 279, 281, 287–90, 301–302 American Bureau of Ethnology, 219, 231 analogy, 252, 317 Anatomy of Criticism (Frye), xvi–xvii, 62, 165–66, 169–77, 330–31 Andaman Islanders (Radcliffe-Brown), 203, 212–14 anima, the, 190 Anima Mundi, 139–40 animism, 85–86 anthropology: and depth psychology, 105, 111, 174; historical, 270–71, 274; ritualist, xiii, 106–107, 174, 192–94; social, xiii, xiv, 202–61; and the tale, 172; and totemism, 99 anti-fable, 6–8 antimyth, 332–36 Apocalypse (Lawrence), 141–42, 196 Apollonian vs. Dionysian, the, 72–73, 107–111 archetype, 121–23, 128–33, 165–66, 169–77, 187, 191, 318 Argonauts of the Western Pacific (Malinowski), 203–206, 209–11 Aristotle, 1, 11, 103, 108, 312 artist, modern: and affective theory, 111; as bricoleur , 246; literary, 134–53; myth-making power of, 19–24, 41–42, 45–47, 160; and Ritualists, 106 “Aryan” mythology, 80–83, 93, 200, 345n4 Bacon, Francis, 3–4, 7 “Bard, The” (Gray), 19 Barth, John, 153 Barthes, Roland, 82, 278, 290–93, 301–302, 317–19, 335 Bascom, William, 220, 222 Basso, Ellen, 259–60 Bastian, Adolph, 93, 117, 218 Bauman, Richard, 258–59 Beckett, Samuel, 153 Being and Time (Heidegger), 74, 293–95 Benedict, Ruth, 219 Benjamin, Walter, 43–44, 205, 295–97, 334 Beowulf, 17 Bergson, Henri, 109–10, 119, 130, 282 Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche), 75 Bible, the, 16, 43, 51–53, 252–53 biogenesis, 115–16, 123–27, 187–88 Birth of Tragedy Out of the Spirit of Music, The (Nietzsche), 71–75 “Black Hunter and the Origin of the Athenian Ephebeia, The” (Vidal-Naquet), 272–74 Blake, William, 7, 8, 11, 26–31, 38, 39, 60, 123, 327–30, 342n1 Blumenberg, Hans, 320–26 Boas, Franz: influence of, 219, 225–29, 242–46, 250–51; precursors of, 86, 205–206, 221, 226–27; work of, 217–25 Boehme, Jacob, 40 Bonaparte, Louis, 57 British structural-functionalism, 203, 212–17, 224, 227–28 Brooks, Cleanth, 305 Bulfinch, 68, 81 Bultmann, Rudolph, xvii Burkert, Walter, 267–70 Burning Fountain, The (Wheelright), 165–69 Cambridge Ritualists, 71, 97, 106–11, 193 Campbell, Joseph, xvii; influences on, 74, 123, 132, 194, 196–97, 199; and James Joyce, 380 Index 151, 196; and modernity, 171–72; as romantic , xii, 196, 201; works of, 196–201 Carlyle, Thomas: as Idealist, 59–62; influence of, 65, 329–30; and symbol, 37, 344–45nn16–17 Cassirer, Ernest, xvii, 9, 83, 87–88, 155–62, 166, 177, 305, 323–24, 330, 335 Chanson de Roland, 17 charter myths, 104–105 Christianity, 145–53 Cimidyuë, 246–48 classical studies, xiv, 262–77 cognitive failure, 78–83 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 36–37, 60 collective representations, 98–106 collective unconscious, 127–33 commodity, 58–59 comparative method, 91–97, 198–99, 262–63 Comparative Mythology (Müller), 79–83 Comparative Mythology (Puhvel), 264–65 “Comparative Study of Tsimshian Mythology” (Boas), 222–23 Comte, Auguste, 78, 80, 83–88, 94, 101–102 constitutive theory, xi–xiii, xv, 305–306, 334–37 construction, xi, xvi Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (Marx/Engels), 57 Cornford, Francis, 100, 107 Cours de philosophie positive (Compte), 83–84 creation accounts, 80–81, 183–86, 188–92 Creation of Mythology, The (Detienne), 275–277 “CreativeWriterandDaydreaming,The”(Freud), 115, 117, 123 Creuzer, Friedrich, 40, 59, 62–63, 81, 82, 118, 130, 132, 232, 310 Critique of Judgement (Kant), 33–36 Croce, Benedetto, 11, 330 Culture and Practical Reason (Sahlins), 255–57 Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society (Detienne/Vernant), 274–76 Daniel Deronda (Eliot), 68, 70–71 Darwinism, 80–81, 115, 118 Das Kapital (Marx), 58–59 Das Volk, 16 De Man, Paul, 44 “De quelques formes primitives de classification: contribution à l’étude des représentations collectives” (Durkheim/Mauss), 98, 100 Decline of the West (Spengler), 139–40 deconstruction, 74–75, 307–308 degeneration theory, 7–8, 63, 210–11, 218, 224–26 Deities of Samothrace, The (Schelling), 40 depth psychology, xiii, 105, 111–33, 174, 194 Der...
