In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

245 Index Aarseth, Espen: Cybertext, 115–116 Acker, Kathy, 218 Adorno, Theodor W.: Aesthetic Theory, xxi; “How to look at Television ,” 18 Agawu, Kofi, 177–178 Alexie, Sherman, 65 Alim, H. Samy, 157 Allen, Robert C., and Annette Hill: The Television Studies Reader, 74 Amazon: Kindle device, 120–123; as virtual space, 218 Anjewierden, Anjo, 34 Aristotle, xviii, 45, 88, 89; Poetics, 46, 83, 84 Arneson, Dave: Dungeons and Dragons, 2, 10, 12 Arnold, Matthew: “Dover Beach,” 227, 228, 229, 231–233, 235–236 Attanasio, Paul: Homicide: Life on the Street, 188 Auden, W. H., 54 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 219, 222–224, 238n3; The Dialogic Imagination, 223 Banville, John, 227 Barger, Jorn: Robot Wisdom, 16 Barnes, Djuna, 219 Barthes, Roland, xii, xiii, xv, xvi, xix, xxii, xxvi–xxvii, 7, 8, 231–232; Mythologies , xxii Baudrillard, Jean, 185, 210n3 Beardsley, Aubrey, 65 Bechdel, Alison: Fun Home, 53 Beerbohm, Max, xvi Benatar, Pat, 201 Benjamin, Walter, 116 Biography, 16 Bird, William, 140 Blankey, Art, 132 blogs and blogging. See social media Blood, Rebecca, 16 Bochco, Steven: Cop Rock, 188 Bourdieu, Pierre, xxi, 219 boyd, danah, 17, 34 bpNichol, 54 Bradley, Adam, 157 Brantley, Peter, 123 Braz, Albert: False Traitor: Louis Riel in Canadian Culture, 56 Breight, Curtis: “Shakespeare on American Television,” 75 Briggs, Raymond: The Snowman, 44; When the Wind Blows, 44 Brown, Chester: Louis Riel: A ComicStrip Biography, xxvii, 56–61 Brown, Jeffrey A., 52 Browning, Elizabeth, xvi Burroughs, William, 108 Caldwell, John T., 71 Campbell, Eddie, and Alan Moore: 246 · index From Hell, 53, 58. See also comic books Caniff, Milton: Terry and the Pirates, 66 Carpenter, Jim, and Stephen McLaughlin , 145; Issue 1, 145; poetry generator “Erica T. Carter,” 145 cell-phone novels, 100, 118–119; Koizora (Love Sky), xxixn7, 119; Maho no i-rando, 118; Textnovel, 118. See also hypertext/hypertext fiction; Mika Chandler, Raymond: The Big Sleep, 215–216 Chang, Young-Hae, 132 Chollier, Christine: “Autotextuality,” 224 Chow, Rey: Sentimental Fabulations, 87 Clancy, Tom, 227 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 13 Collier, Jeremy, 182 comic books, as genre, 51–54; as literature , xx, xxiii, xxviii, 43–62, 65–66; teaching of, 48–54 comic books, specific titles: American Splendor, 53; Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, 48; Berlin, 53; Clyde Fans, 53; From Hell, 53, 58; Fun Home, 53; Krazy Kat, 65; Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography, 56–61; Maus: A Survivor’s Tale, xiii, xx, 44, 48; The Metamorphosis, 56; Palestine, 53; The Snowman, 44; Terry and the Pirates, 66; Tintin, xxiii; The Wasteland, 54; The Watchmen, xx, 48, 55; When the Wind Blows, 44 Coover, Robert, 98; keynote address for 1999 “Digital Arts and Culture,” 101 Coverly, M. D.: Califia, 117. See also hypertext /hypertext fiction Crichton, Michael, 227 Crouch, Stanley, 177 Crumb, Robert, 64 cummings, e. e., 65 Cunningham, Chris, 80 Cureton, Richard, 158, 179n12 D’Acci, Julie, 186 Damon, Matt, 220–221 databases/data structures, 19–22. See also social media Davin, Solange, and Rhona Jackson: Television and Criticism, 72, 75 Delany, Paul, xv Derrida, Jacques, 130–131, 162 DiaryLand, 18, 22–23. See also social media Dimitriadis, Greg, 155, 157 Disney, Walt, 65 Divus, Andreas: Latin translation of Homer, 135, 136, 153 Douglas, Jane Yellowlees, 99 Duchamp, Marcel, xix Eagleton, Terry: Literary Theory, xvi e-books. See hypertext/hypertext fiction Eco, Umberto, 65 Efimova, Lilia, Stephanie Hendrick, and Anjo Anjewierden: “Finding ‘the Life between Buildings,’” 34 Eisen, Adrienne, 102 Eisner, Will, 48 Ellison, Ralph: Invisible Man, 155, 163 Emrich, Wilhelm: Franz Kafka, 61 Fallis, Terry, 122 Faulkner, William, 65, 224, 229, 238n7 Fiedler, Leslie: “The Middle Against Both Ends,” 43, 45–46, 51 Findley, Timothy: Famous Last Words, 59 Fine, Gary Alan, 3. See also games Fish, Stanley, 50, 85 Fisher, Caitlin: “These Waves of Girls,” 105. See also hypertext/hypertext fiction Fitzpatrick, Brad, 27 Flanagan, Mary: “The House,” 108. See also hypertext/hypertext fiction Forman, Murray: The ’Hood Comes First, 157, 170 Foucault, Michel, xix, 7, 8, 38 Frankfurt School, 183–187 Fry, Stephen, 31–32. See also social media index · 247 Fulton, Alice: “fractal poetics,” 176 Funkhouser, Christopher T., 126 Gallant, Gregory. See Seth games: gamemaster, the, 2, 3, 5, 9–12. See also games, role playing; video games games, role-playing: Call of Cthulhu, 3, 9; Chainmail, 2; Cyberpunk, 3; Dungeons and Dragons, 1–3, 9–12; The Fantasy Role-Playing Game, 3; GURPS (Generic Universal Role-Playing System), 3; Kriegsspiel, 2; Little Wars, 2; War Chess, 2 Garner, Stanton, 4 Genette, Girard, 17 Gibbons, Dave. See Moore, Alan, with Dave Gibbons...
