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259 A. Teisseire (Bordeaux firm), 151 adultery, 84, 86, 219n35 Africa: as antithesis of civil society, 119– 20, 227n3; colonialism as negotiation process, 6; mixed race identity under colonialism, 10; patterns of consumerism , 89, 221n49; republican institutions originating in, 186. See also French West Africa. agricultural colonization, failure of, 42– 43. See also peanut cultivation and trade. Aidra, Abdoul Hadir, 11 Alain, Desirée, 20, 203n2 Alain, Jean-Jacques (L’Antillais), 20, 203n2 Alain, Louis, 203n2 Alin family history, 189, 203n2 Alliance Française, 96, 109 Alsace, George, 47 Alsace, Louis, 47, 54 Aly, Jean, 104 Amin, Samir, 198n11 Amselle, Jean Loup, 4 ancien régime: colonialism in, 25–26; extramarital sexual relations in, 219n35; symbols of aristocratic power, 90 Anderson, Benedict, 227n2 Angrand, Léopold, 142, 154, 160, 233n9 Angrand family history, 189–90 Ankersmit, H. J., 243n70 Anne, Hamat Ndiaye (tamsir), 135 apprentices, slave children as, 60 arbre du conseil, 36 Arguin (island, Mauritania), 141, 150, 159–60, 210n11 arts d’agrément (music and dance), 99 assimilation: abandonment as colonial policy in 20th century, 156–57; as colonization objective, 123; denying rights to originaires as departure from, 174; Muslim rejection of, 75, 117; republican institutions as extension of, 140 assimilés, schools reserved for, 176 association of barristers, 112–14, 226n41 associations: Alliance Française, 96, 109; cercles, 109; Jeunes Sénégalais, 109, 168; Masonic lodges, 110–11 (see also Freemasons); métis habitants and Europeans dominating, 109–10; Mothers of Families, 110, 118–19; stabilizing democratic institutions, 109, 225n29; urban life and, 108–14; as venue for debates , 110 Atlantic Creoles, 4, 5, 198n7 Aurora of Saint Louis, 175, 241n57 Auslander, Leora, 221n50 Aussenac, Rosalie, 209n1 Austen, Ralph, 209n3 Bancal, Prosper, 220n42 Bank of Senegal, 131–32, 166, 231n38 INDEX Page numbers for illustrations are in italic. index 260 Banque de l’Afrique Occidentale, 132, 231n38 Baol (kingdom), 6, 22, 203n6; Devès family interests is, 159; Mbaye as letter writer for Africans in, 175, 241n58; railroad construction and monocrop agriculture in, 235n25 Baradère, Abbé, 76 Baron Roger, Jean François, 43, 86 barristers, association of, 112–14, 226n41 Bayart, Jean François, 120, 228n6 beaux madras (headdresses), 91 Belmessous, Salhia, 207n39 Bénis, Marie Paul, 20, 203n2 Benty, fort at, 122 Berlin, Ira, 4, 198n7 Berman, Bruce, 199n14 Berteloot, Jules, 68 Beynis, Adolphe, 54 Bhabha, Homi, 209n2 Bidan (Moors of Arab Berber descent), 22 Billaud, Marie Charlotte, 136–37 Blanchot, François, 26, 34, 42 Blondin (grumet boat captain), 30–31 Bocos (island), 24 Boilat, Anne, 79, 91–92 Boilat, David: career of, 78, 79, 217n16; on grumets, 206n22; on “gum fever,” 55; on ideal habitant marriage, 83–84 Boirard, Louise Elisa, 142 Boké, fort at, 122 Bordeaux merchants: colonial economy and, 42; dominating commune elections , 142; end of monopoly and movement to Saint Louis, 45–46, 211n16, 211n18; Faidherbe support for, 121; as lobbyists for Senegal, 134, 144, 147–48, 234n13, 234n20; political influence of, 146; struggle for political power, 133 Bouët-Willaumez, Louis Édouard: creation of Muslim tribunal, 80, 120; establishing secondary school for free African boys and slaves, 78; on growth of Islam in Saint Louis, 80 Boufflers, Stanislas-Jean de, 26, 205n15 Bourdieu, Pierre, 13, 202n36, 218n25, 219n38 bourgeois-style regime, in France, 90, 221n50 Bourmeister, Auguste de, 143, 146, 220n42, 232n1 Boy, Ravane, 204n8 Brak of Walo, 23, 42 Brakna: control of escales, 44–45, 237n8; gum trade and, 43, 44; unfair commercial practices, 151 Brière de l’Isle, Louis Alexandre: career of, 229n14; customs regime regulating import of guinées, 14 7, 146; elimination of civilian administrators in colony , 123, 229n17; Gaspard Devès as ally of, 146, 148, 235n23; naming Gaspard Devès mayor of Saint Louis, 142, 145; proposed suppression of municipal councils, 144–45, 234n13, 234n15; reinstatement of Masonic lodge, 111; as strong governor, 146; territorial expansion by, 122–23, 229nn14–15 British colonialism: in Kenya, 6, 199n14; Maxwell as governor, 42; occupation of Senegal, 24–25, 204n12; Treaty of Versailles returning Senegal to French, 25 Brothers of Ploërmel: curriculum, 103–4, 224n15; Muslim education by, 103; schools in Saint Louis and Gorée, 103, 223n14 Bruë, André, 24, 204n10 Bruno, Sylvie, 140, 232n3 budgetary authority: general budget for French West Africa, 170–71, 240n44; of General Council (see under General Council); separate budget for protectorate , 165 Buh, Saad, 235n26 Buhan, Joseph, 58 Buhan and Teisseire, 46, 58, 142, 151 Cahier de Doléances, 32–34, 207n37 Camara, Camille, 204n8 Caminade...
