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INDEX Ådahl, Martin, ∞π∞n≥Ω Adler-Karlsson, Gunnar, ≤≥ af Segerstad, Nils Hård, ∞∫≠nΩ Agamben, Giorgio, ∞∞≤ Agnew, Jean-Christophe, ∞π≤n∑ Akin, David, ≥∫, ∞π∞n∂≠ alcoholic beverage consumption, ≥≥, π∫, ∞≠∫–∞≠Ω, ∞∞≤, ∞π∫n≥∏ Allsop, Kenneth, ∞π∂nΩ Altshuler, David, ∞π∞n≤ Ambjörnsson, Ronny, ≤∞, ∞∏∂n≥ Anderson, Benedict, ≤π, ∞≠≥ Andersson, Åke, ≥≠ antiglobalization movement. See localcurrency rings Appadurai, Arjun, ≥∏ Apple, R. W., Jr., ∞≥≤ Aretxaga, Begoña, ∞≠ Asad, Talal, ∞∏∂n∞≠ Asher, Andrew, Ω–∞≠ Association for the Monetary Union of Europe , ∞≠∑ att tura (touring), ≥≥, ∞≠π–∞≠∫ automobile industry, ∞π≥n≤≥ Balibar, Etienne, ≤∏, ∞∏∂n∞≤ banditry, ∞≥π–∞≥∫, ∞∫∞n≤≥ bankruptcies, ∞≤∏–∞≤∫, ∞≥≥–∞≥∫, ∞∑∫, ∞∏≠ Beaune, Jean-Claude, ∞π∂nΩ beer consumption, ≥≥, π∫, ∞≠∫ beggars’ passes, ∞≠∂, ∞π∂n∏ Beier, A. L., ΩΩ, ∞∞∂, ∞∞Ω, ∞π∂n∑, ∞π∂n∏, ∞π∂nΩ Bell, Daniel, ∞∏∂n∂ Bellier, Irene, ≤∏, ∞∏∂n∞≤ Benjamin, Walter, ∞π∑n∞∑ Bennhold, Katrin, ∞π∑n∞∞ Bensel, Richard F., ∞∏∞ Berdahl, Daphne, ∞π≤n∫, ∞π∫n≤∫ Berezin, Mabel, ≤∏ Berg, Per-Olof, ≤Ω, ∞∏≥n∂ Berge, Ursula, ∞π∞n≥Ω Bergström, Axel, ∂≥, ∂∂ Bergström, Villy, ∞∏∏n∞∫ Bielke, Ulla, ∞≥∫, ∞≥Ω black market transactions: alcoholic beverages , π∫–πΩ; contraband, ∫∫; craftspeople , π∑, ∫≥; cross-sound purchases, ππ– ∫≠, ∞π≤n∞∞; drug tra≈cking, πΩ; evasion of taxes in, π∂, π∑, ∞≥π–∞≥∫; foreign nationals involved in, π∫–πΩ; for living space, π∑, ∞π≤n∏; local currencies, ∫≤–∫∂; receiptless transactions, ∏Ω–π≠, π∂, π∑; wealth, ∞≤Ω–∞≥≠ Blanche, Aug, ∞≤π border towns, ∞∑∑–∞∑∏, ∞∑π borders and boundaries: circulation of money, ∂∞–∂≤, ∂≥–∂∂, ∞∂∑–∞∂∏, ∞∏∫n∑; community boundaries for debt, ∞∞∂– ∞∞∑, ∞≤≤, ∞≤≥, ∞≥Ω, ∞∏≠, ∞∫∞n≤∂; customs enforcement, π∫, πΩ–∫≠, ∞∞π, ∞∞∫, ∞≤∑; data collection, ≥∏; EU regionalization programs, Ω–∞≠, ≤∫–≤Ω, ∞∏∏n≤≥; of the Law of Jante, ≥∑, ≥∏, ∞≤Ω, ∞≥∏, ∞∂∫–∞∂Ω; moral inversions outside Swedish nation-state, Ω∂, ∞∞≤–∞∞≥, ∞π∫n≥∂; o√shore monetary transactions and investments , ∞∂Ω, ∞∑≠–∞∑∞; passports, ∞≤∞, ∞≤∑, ∞∑≥; restrictions on consumer goods, ≥∂, ππ, ∫≠; state sovereignty and, ∫Ω; statistical data, ≥∏; tax and debt evasion, π∫, ∫∫–∫Ω, ∞≤∞–∞≤≤, ∞≤∑, ∞≥∑, ∞≥π–∞≥Ω, ∞≥∫– ∞≥Ω, ∞∑≠–∞∑≤ ≤≠≠ Index Borg, Björn, ∞≥≤ Borneman, John, ∞∏∂n∞∞ Böröcz, Jozsef, ∞∏∂n∞≥ Bourdieu, Pierre, ∞≥∞ Bowers, David, ∏∑ bridge (Øresund Region), xii; construction of, xi, ≤Ω, ∫∑–∫∏; environmental impact of, ∫∞–∫≤; freedom of movement, ≥∏–≥π, ∞≠∫; impact on ferry service, ππ, ∞≠∫, ∞π≤n∞≠; opposition to, ∫∞–∫≤; state subsidies for use of, ∞ππn≤∑; as sympathetic magic, ∫∑–∫∏ Bronk, Richard, ∏∑ Bryar, David, ∞∏∑nΩ Buck-Morss, Susan, ∞∞≠, ∞∞∞, ∞∞≤, ∞∏∂n≤ Bunzl, Matti, ∞π∫n≥∂ Burke, Al, ∞∏∑nπ Calmfors Commission, ∏≥ cameralist doctrines, ∏≠, ∫≠–∫∞, ∞∂≥, ∞π≤n∞∑ capitalism, ∞∏–∞π, ∞∫, ≤≤, ≤∂, π∏, ∫∞–∫≤, ∞≠∑, ∞≤π–∞≤∫, ∞π∏n≤≤ Caplan, Jane, ∞π∑n∞≠ cargo cults, ∫∑–∫∏ Carlen, Stefan, ∞π∞n≥Ω cash transactions, ∞≥, ≥∫, ∑∞, π≠, π∂, ∫≥, ∞≥π–∞≥∫ casinos, ∞∫≠n∞∂ Cassel, Gustav, ∂Ω Castle, Stephen, ∞π∑n∞∞ Childs, Marquis, ≤≤, ≤≥, ∂∫, Ω∞, ∞∏∂n∂, ∞∏∑n∑, ∞∏∑n∏ Chown, John, ∞∏Ωn∞∞ cigarette purchases, π∑, π∫ City Tunneln, ≥∑, ∫∏ Claeys, Gregory, ≤≠ Cohen, Benjamin, ∂≥ Comaro√, Jean, ≥∫, ∞≥∞, ∞π∑n∞≠, ∞π∑n∞≤ Comaro√, John, ≥∫, ∞≥∞, ∞π∑n∞≠, ∞π∑n∞≤ community: building of, ≥, ∞≠, ≥≤; indebtedness within, ∞∞∂–∞∞∑, ∞≤≤, ∞≤≥, ∞≥Ω, ∞∏≠; labor controlled by, ∞≠≥–∞≠∂; pannational Europe as, ≤∑–≤∏, ≥≠, ≥∞, ∂≥, ∫∞. See also local-currency rings consumption, ∂≠, ∂∫, ∂Ω, ∞≠∫, ∞∏Ωn∞∏ Copenhagen, x; in construction of Øresund Region, x, ∫∏; drug tra≈cking, πΩ; impact of bridge on, ∞≠∫–∞≠Ω, ∞∞≤–∞∞≥; layering of space in, ∞π∂nπ; Malmö relations with, ∫, ≥≥; Swedes in, ∏, ≥∂, Ω∑, ∞≠∏–∞∞≥, ∞∞≤, ∞∂π–∞∂∫ Corbett, Anne, ∞∏∂n∞≤ Coronil, Fernando, ∞Ω, π∂ Crapanzano, Vincent, ∞∏∂n≤ credit cards, ∞≤≥, ∞π≤n∞∞ creditors, ∞≤∏–∞≤π, ∞≥≥–∞≥∏, ∞∫≠nπ Cronon, William, ≥≤ cross-sound travel: decadent goods, ππ, π∫, ∫≠, ∫≤, ∫∫, ∞≠∫, ∞∞≥, ∞∏∑n∞∞, ∞π≤n∞∞; as rites-of-passage, ≥≥–≥∂; tax evasion, π∫ currency: boundary construction, xii; circulation of, ∂≠–∂∞, ∂≥–∂∂, ∑≥; coins, ∂≥– ∂∂; and construction of social space, ∂; exchange rate fluctuations, ∑π–∑∫; national currency reserves, ∂∂, ∑≠–∑≤, ∑≤– ∑∑, ∑Ω; stabilization by nation-state, ∂∫– ∑≠. See also hoarding; local-currency rings; money Dahlerup, Drude, ∞∏πn≥≤ Daly, Herman, ∞∫≤ Danes: attitudes toward Sweden, ∑, ∏; on economic egalitarianism, ∞≥∞; stereotypes of, ∫≠, ∞∂∂, ∞π≤n∞≥; in Sweden, ∞∂π–∞∂∫ Darian-Smith, Eve, ≥∞, πΩ, ∫≠ Das, Veena, ∞π≤n∑ Daun, Åke, ≥∏, ∞π∫n≥∂ Davies, Glyn, ∞∏∫n∂ Day, Sophie, Ω∏–Ωπ, ∞∞≤, ∞∞≥–∞∞∂, ∞∞Ω, ∞π∂n∂, ∞π∑n∞≠ De Certeau, Michel, ≥≤ debt and debt repayment: bankruptcies, ∞≥≥–∞≥∫; bodily punishments nonpayment of, ∞≤∂, ∞πΩn∑; community boundedness , ∞∞∂–∞∞∑, ∞≤≤, ∞≤≥, ∞≥Ω, ∞∏≠, ∞∫∞n≤∂; creditors, ∞≤∏–∞≤π, ∞≥≥–∞≥∏, ∞∫≠nπ; currency ring members on, ∞∞∂– ∞∞∑; evasion of, ∞≤∞–∞≤≤, ∞≤∑; forgiveness , ∞≤≥, ∞≥≥–∞≥∂, ∞∏≠, ∞πΩn∞; immobilization as punishment for, ∞≤≤, ∞≤∂–∞≤∑; legislation, ∞≤∫, ∞≥∑–∞≥∏; moral obligations for, π∂, ∞≥π, ∞π∫n≥∂; personal inde- [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 08:38 GMT) Index ≤≠∞ pendence from, π∞–π≤, ∞π≤n≥; receipt transactions, ∏Ω–π≥, π∑–ππ, ∫≥, Ω≠; repayment of, ∞≥≥–∞≥∑, ∞∫∞n≤∞, ∞∫∞n≤≤; scientific reasons for indebtedness, ∞∑∫; as shameful, ∞∞∂–∞∞∑, ∞≥≥; socialization of, ∞≤≥, ∞≥≥–∞≥∂, ∞≥≥–∞≥∏, ∞∏≠, ∞∫∞n∞Ω; toxic debt, ∞∫∞n≤≤ debtors: court cases against, ∞≥∂–∞≥∑; disappearance of, ∞≥∏, ∞≥π–∞≥∫, ∞∂∑; imprisonment of, ∞≤≤, ∞≤∂–∞≤∫, ∞≥π, ∞≥∫– ∞≥Ω, ∞πΩn∏, ∞∫≠nπ, ∞∫≠nΩ, ∞∫≠n∞≠ decadent goods, ππ, π∫, ∫≠, ∫≤, ∫∫, ∞≠∫, ∞∞≥, ∞∏∑n∞∞ Deloncle, François, ≥≠, ∞∏πn≤π Denmark: commitment to egalitarianism in, ∞≤Ω–∞≥≠; currency circulation in Sweden , ∂≥, ∂∂; distribution of wealth in, ∞≥∞; drug tra≈cking, πΩ; economic relations with Germany, ∂∂; food imports to Sweden, πΩ–∫≠; as foreign space, ∫≠; membership in the EU, x; non-monetary hierarchies in, ∞≥∞, ∞∂π–∞∂∫; Swedish stereotypes of Danes, ∫≠, ∞π≤n∞≥. See also Copenhagen Dickens, Charles, ∞≤π, ∞∫≠nΩ Dietler, Michael, ∞∏∏n≤∞ Dodd, Nigel, ∞π ‘‘doing right by oneself’’ ideology, π∞–π≤, ∞≤∏, ∞π≤n≥ D’Oliveira, Hans Ulrich Jessurun, ≤π dollar economy, ∑≥, ∑∏, ∫∞, ∞≥Ω, ∞π≠n≤∫, ∞π≠≥∂, ∞π≥n∞∏, ∞∫≥n≤∫ Donnan, Hastings, ∞π≥n∞≤ Douglas, Cli√ord Hugh, ∞∫≥n≥≤ Douthwaite, Richard, ∞∂ Dragør, ∞≠π, ∞≠∫ drug tra≈cking, πΩ du Monthoux, Pierre Guillet, ∂π Du√y, Ian P. H., ∞πΩn∂ Dumont, Louis, ∞π≤n≥ Durkheim, Emil, π, ∞∏∑n∞≤, ∞π≤n≥ ECB (European Central Bank), ∞∞, ∏≠–∏≤ education loans, ∞≥≥–∞≥∂ Ehn, Billy, π Einaudi, Luca, ∂≥, ∞∏∫n∫ Eklund, Jörgen, ∞π∞n≥Ω Ekström, Andreas, ∞∑≠ EMU (European Monetary Union), ∞∞, ≤∏, ∏≤, ∏∑ Engels, Friedrich, ∞∏∂n∂ EU (European Union): citizenship in, ≤π, ∞∏∏n≤≠, ∞∏∏n≤≥; debt socialization, ∞∑≥; founding of, Ω–∞≠, ≤∏–≤∫, ≥∏, ∞∏∏n≤≠, ∞∏∏n≤∞; labor defined by, ∫Ω; language policy of, ≤π, ∞∏∏n≤∞, ∞∏∏n≤∂; market integration , ∞≠, ∞∞, ∞∏–∞π, ≤∫; public reaction to, ≤∏, ∞∏∑n∞≥; regionalization programs, Ω–∞≠, ≤∑–≤∏, ≤∫–≥∞, ∫∏, ∞∏≥nΩ, ∞∏∏n≤∂; regulation of tax-free sales, ∫∫–∫Ω; sovereignty of, ∫Ω; tax evasion , ∞∑≠–∞∑∞; ≤≠≠∫ credit crunch, ∞πΩn∞; utopian aspects of, ≤∑–≤π, ∞∏∏n∞π; vagrancy legislation, ΩΩ–∞≠≠. See also Øresund Region; SaintSimonians (Saint-Simon, Henri de); taxes and taxation euro: benefits of, xi, ∞∞–∞≤, ∞∑∫, ∞∏∞, ∞π∞n∂∂; as currency of investments, ∫π– ∫∫; debt forgiveness, ∞≤≤; and the...
