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Index Note: Page numbers with an f or t refer to figures or tables. ADHO (Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations ), 13 “Algorithmic Criticism” (Ramsay), 18 Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), 13 Allison, S., 69, 77–78 American novel theme prominences, 140, 141f Annales school of historiography, 19, 27 anonymity-theme analysis, 138–40 Anxiety of Influence (Bloom), 31 Argamon, Shlomo, 93–94 Auerbach, Erich, 7 Austen, Jane: Burrows analysis, 26–27, 29; Pride and Prejudice analyses, 160–61, 160t; Sense and Sensibility analyses, 54–55, 64–67, 66–67f author gender analyses: black American drama corpus, 48–50, 49f; classification accuracy, 95–97; genre analyses, 93–96, 94t, 95t; Irish American authors corpus, 39–43, 41–42f; misattribution, 95t; signals analysis, 93–95; nationality prediction goal, 158; signal word lists, 94f; theme relationship analyses, 136–39, 151–53; theme relationship analysis in word clouds, 152f; theme relationship in bar graphs, 136–39f; time period factors, 95–96 author nationality analyses: British vs. American word usage, 105–11; British vs. Irish, 111–17; gender prediction goal, 158; theme plotted by “novel time” in two Irish novels, 140–42, 143f; theme relationship analyses, 140–53, 141–42f, 145f; theme relationship in bar graphs, 141–42f; theme relationship in word clusters, 149–50f; themes interpreted by nation, 140–45; word usage analyses, 105–11. See also Irish American authors corpus author style features, 63–67, 92–93, 99–104 Automated Learning Group, 21 Auvil, Loretta, 134 Baker, Nicholson, 13 Bauerlein, Mark, 13 “beautiful” usage analysis (British and American novels of the 19th century), 106–9, 107f, 109f. See also word usage analyses Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 174–75 “Beyond Boston: Georeferencing IrishAmerican Literature” (Jockers), 36 Beyond Search workshop, 22 Biber, Douglas, 121 bibliographical metadata, 5–37, 62 big data, 3–4, 7–8, 120, 174 “Big House” theme. See “Tenants and Landlords ” theme Birkerts, Sven, 13 Bisch, M. C., 29 black American drama corpus, 48–50, 49f black box, 128, 129–30 Black Drama (Alexander Street Press), 49f Blei, D., 122–23 Jockers_Text.indd 187 1/11/13 3:06 PM 188 Index Blessing, Patrick, 45–46, 53 Blevins, Cameron, 22, 124 Block, Sharon, 22, 123–24 Bloom, Harold, 32 Book Genome Project, 175 Boyd-Graber, S., 128 Brik, Osip, 154 Brin, Sergey, 168 British, Irish, Scottish, and American novel differentiation by theme, 147–52, 149f, 150f. See also theme analyses British and American novels of the 19th century corpus: “beautiful” usage analysis , 106–9, 107f, 109f; themes analysis, 130–31, 132f; “the” usage analysis, 105–11, 107f, 109f British novels of 1740–1850 corpus: chronological plotting of specific words in novel titles, 58, 59–61, 59–61f; lexical richness analysis of Melville and Austen, 54–55; lexical richness of titles by publication date, 56, 57f; titles published by publication date analysis, 56, 57f. See also timerelated analyses; word usage analyses Burrows, John, 26–27, 29–30 Busa, Roberto, 3–4, 11, 15 Cahalan, James, 144 Capitanu, Boris, 134 Carleton, William, 140 Casey, D. J., 45 Castle Rackrent (Edgeworth), 56, 140, 142, 143f Chang, J., 128 Cleary, Joe, 112 close reading, 6–7, 9, 17, 22–28, 30, 47–48, 88–91 coherence. See interpretability collocate studies, 16, 121, 122–23. See also topic modeling Companion to Digital Humanities, A (Schreibman , Siemens, and Unsworth), 16 Companion to Digital Literary Studies, A (Siemens and Schreibman), 16 computational authorship attribution, 65– 67, 92–93 computational text analysis, 15, 30–31 confusion matrix, 72–75 Cooper, James Fenimore, 144 copyright law, 173–75 Corpus Linguistics: Investigating Language Structure and Use (Biber), 121 correlation coefficient, 106, 108 Cronin, John, 112 DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities), 15 Darwin, Charles, 171–72 David Copperfield (Dickens), 89–90, 90f Denham, Dónal, 37 Dennett, Daniel, 171–72 Deresiewicz, William, 12, 13, 47–48 detailism and digital texts, 22–23 Dickens, Charles: David Copperfield analysis, 89–90, 90f; genre and influence analyses, 101t, 101–4, 102–4f; Hard Times analyses, 91, 92–93; A Tale of Two Cities analyses, 161, 161t digital humanities (DH): current activity and interest, 13–16; history, 3–4, 11–13, 15; origins, 15; progress and development, 16–23 Digital Humanities Conference, 12 Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH), 15 Diner, Hasia, 46 distant reading, 17–18, 19, 22, 25, 31–32 Docuscope, 69 “Doing More with Digitization: An Introduction to Topic Modeling of Early American Sources” (Block), 22 Dowling, Patrick, 53 Duchet, Charles, 51, 56 ECHELON (NSA security...
