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Index access to social services and treatment, 127–29, 158–59 activists: actualization of the self in, 152–55; coming out to family, 89–94; compañeros as, 79–80, 121–24, 160–61; confidence in, 150–51; critical consciousness and, 151–52; current state of gay, 158; development of the self and, 147– 52; growth of gay, 120–21; HIV/AIDS, 3, 104–11, 117–24; importance of, 138–41; media and, 129–31; paid, 133–35; partners and boyfriends of, 135; recruitment of, 124–26; religion and, 135–37, 153; in schools and universities, 131–33; social networks of, 124–27; volunteerism and, 8, 10, 121, 124–27 actualization of the self, 152–55 AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), 4, 11, 93, 131, 133, 160 AIDS hotlines, 128–29 AIDS Walks, 124, 144 alcoholism, 26, 28 Allahyari, Rebecca A., 8 ALMA (Association of Latino Men for Action ), 129–30, 133 Almodóvar, Pedro, 13 Anthias, Floya, 20, 64 Atkinson, Robert, 13 avoidance, 61 Ayala, George, 19, 39 Bebbington, Andrew C., 7 Bellah, Robert N., 7, 10, 11 Beltrán, Lola, 37, 95, 97 Berglund, Pat, 19 bilingual education, 67–68 Boehmer, Ulrike, 7 Brokeback Mountain, 2, 161, 162 Brooks, Ronald, 101 Brown, Amanda U., 8, 137 Brown, Phil, 136 buenas conciencias, Las (Fuentes), 89 Cable, Sherry, 121 candidiasis, 102 Carrier, Joseph, 46 Carrillo, Hector, 39, 46, 94 Castro, Fidel, 10 Catania, Joseph A., 6 Catholicism, 4, 54–55 Centers for Disease Control, 101, 150, 158, 159 Chambré, Susan M., 4, 7, 11 Chauncey, George, 53, 81 children: bilingual education and, 67–68; family influence on, 39–44; of HIV/ AIDS patients, 102–3, 109; school and classroom experiences of, 44–47; sexual experiences of, 40, 44, 46, 95–96 civil war, 30, 35–36 Cochran, Susan D., 38, 39 Cohen, Cathy, 8 Cohen, Sheldon, 8 colleges and universities, activism in, 131–33 colonias, 1, 26 coming out to family, 89–94, 161–64 compañeros, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8–11; accessing 176 index services, 127–29; activism by, 79–80, 121–24; on being born gay, 82–84; birth families of, 3–4; children of, 102–3; on entering gay life, 84–89; facing stigma, 60–62; finding Latinoness, 73–76; importance of, 138–39, 164; impoverished, 22–26, 78; “I” versus “We” and, 10–11; leadership among, 153–55; life histories of, 13–17; marriages to women, 87–89; media and, 129–31; middle class, 31–35; negative consequences of stigma for, 57–59; racism experienced by, 66–71; rebellion and, 81; recruitment of, 124–27; segregation of, 71–72; self-acceptance by, 139–40; the self and, 7–11, 145–52; self-identification by, 4–5, 141–44; sense of community among, 8; social-class origins of, 21–22; solidarity and ideology among, 157–58, 160–61; supporting those with HIV/AIDS, 104–11; transgender , 94–99; wealthy, 35–36, 58; and the white AIDS movement in the U.S., 6–7; working class, 27–31 confidence, 150–51 consciousness: creation of, 76–80; critical, 151–52 Cooper, Richard, 11, 64 Cortazzi, Martin, 14 Crain, A. Lauren, 7 creation of consciousness, 76–80 Crimp, Douglas, 6, 158, 159 critical consciousness, 151–52 cross dressing, 37–38, 40, 95–96, 145; police harassment and, 50–51 culture, Latino, 75–76 David, Richard, 11, 64 de Lauretis, Teresa, 81 Denzin, Norman, 13, 140, 141 diagnoses of HIV/AIDS, 101–4 Díaz, Rafael M., 8, 19, 39, 46, 92 dislocation, 51–53 Dong, Arthur, 158 “don’t-ask-don’t-tell” attitude, 61 drug abuse, 29, 35 Durkheim, Émile, 8 eating disorders, 54 education, bilingual, 67–68 Elliot, Gregory C., 153 En La Vida, 129, 130 Ensel, W. M., 8, 60 Epstein, Steven, 4 Eribon, Didier, 160, 161 Ewick, Patricia, 14, 81 “fallo positivo,” 101–4 family: activism and, 124–27; coming out to, 89–94, 161–64; concept of, 12; influence on gender conformity, 39–44; support of HIV/AIDS patients, 104–11 farm workers, 23–25 fathers, stigmatization of gay sons by, 41–42 Feinstein, Jonathan S., 19 Félix, María, 13 Fields, S., 8 Fife, Betsy, 38 Fisher, Robert, 4 Foucault, Michel, 63, 81 Frable, Deborrah E., 8, 39 Franke, Katherine M., 159 Fraser, Nancy, 64 Freire, Paulo, 64, 68, 76, 151 Fuentes, Carlos, 89 Gatter, Philip N., 7 Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Veterans, 133 Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network , 132 Gay Chicago, 129 gender nonconformity: dislocation due to...
