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201 Index accessibility, 73–74, 88 accountability: agenda, 4–6, 20–22, 153–60; agenda neglect and, 120–21; campaign, 94–96, 114–15, 129–30, 144–47, 157–59; defined, 9–10; economic outcomes and, 15–16; improving, 150–53, 155–60; late follow-through and, 121–24; media, 156–57; practiced by citizens, 17–22, 23, 176nn7–11; prospective, 10–12, 17, 150–51, 155; reconsidered, 17–22; responsive government and, 175n1; retrospective, 12–16, 17, 152–53, 176n12; theory of agenda, 4–6 ads, election year: agendas of, 48–52; citizen perception effects of, 68; cumulative attention and, 81–87; focused on issues, 41; 1992, 29; 2000, 33, 45, 48–52, 92–93, 161, 162–63; 2008, 36 agendas: accountability, 4–6, 20–22, 120–26, 153–60; citizen control and, 160; during campaigns of Bush and Gore, 48–52, 54–55, 78, 112–13; interrupted , 124–28; midlevel followthrough of, 136–37; neglect, 120–21; priming, 72–73; priorities, 44–45, 58–59, 71, 92–94; sustained followthrough of, 133–35; variations on follow-through in, 140–44 Aldrich, John H., 77 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), 2, 38, 39, 130, 133, 136, 141 AmeriCorps, 32 anticipatory representation, 13 approval ratings, 2, 3, 39–40; of Barack Obama, 35–39, 130–44; based on wide variety of issues, 26–27; of Bill Clinton , 28–33, 118–28; citizen expectation variances and, 27; compared across issues, 109–12; evaluated at the individual level, 27–28; of George W. Bush, 33–35, 103–12; interrupted agendas an, 124–28; political significance of, 25–26; presidential focus and, 30–31; quick follow-through and, 133; understanding , 26–28; variation in standards of, 19–20. See also presidents Aspin, Lee, 31; attention, citizen, 58–60; cumulative, 81–87 Axelrod, David, 141 Benoit, William L., 46 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA), 158–59 Blitzer, Wolf, 37 Bonior, David, 124 Borgida, Eugene, 77 Brody, Richard A., 27, 43 Brown, Scott, 185n8 Budge, Ian, 44 Bush, George H. W., 28–30, 33, 124 Bush, George W., 2, 40; ads, 33, 45, 48, 92–93, 161, 162–63; agenda of, 48–52, 54–55, 78, 92–94, 112–13; approval ratings of, 33–35, 103–12; campaign and accountability, 94–96, 144–47; citizen hearing and, 61, 62–70; cumulative attention and, 81–87; economic policies, 34–35, 99–101, 105–7; education legislation and, 95, 96–99, 105; inferences about, 61; issues in 2000 campaign of, 45–52; media coverage of, 52–53; Medicare prescription 202 Index coverage and, 102–3, 104, 109; most frequently aired ads by, 161, 162–63; person node of, 75; repetition used by, 81–83, 93; Social Security legislation, 102, 104, 107–8; tax legislation and, 99–101, 105–7; victory over Al Gore, 11, 33–34, 77 Bush v. Gore, 33–34 Campaign Media Analysis Group, 47 campaigns and candidates: accessibility, 73–74, 88; accountability of, 94–96, 114–15, 129–30, 144–47, 157–59; agendas of, 20–21, 29, 34, 36, 48–52, 54–55; citizens interest in, 46, 56–57, 148–49; criticism of, 1–2; goals, 44; impact on governing, 22–24; inferences about, 60; media priming and, 76–79; policy making power of presidents and, 11–12; projection and, 60; promises made by, 1–2, 177–78n26; public ignorance about, 11; repetition used by, 78–79, 81–87, 93; research on citizen view of, 23–24; theory of agenda accountability applied to, 4–6. See also issues; priming candidates. See campaigns and candidates Carter, Jimmy, 30, 124 Cash-for-Clunkers, 137 Chafee, Lincoln, 100, 101 Cheney, Dick, 111 citizens: attention, 58–60, 81–87; control and agendas, 160; distortions in hearing messages, 60–70, 154; expectations of presidents, 27; hearing over time, 62–64; interest in campaigns, 46, 56–57, 148–49; message heard by, 57–60; perception and hearing, 64–70; practice of accountability, 17–22, 23, 176nn7–11; predispositions and hearing , 61 climate change, 39 Clinton, Bill, 2, 28–33, 40, 45, 149; approval ratings of, 118–20; campaign and accountability, 114–15, 144–47; economic agenda of, 30–32, 116–20; health care legislation and, 115–16, 121–24; interrupted agenda of, 124–28; NAFTA and, 29, 32, 115, 116, 124–26; tax legislation and, 120–21 Clinton, Hillary, 35, 115, 121 Congress: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and, 2, 38, 39, 130, 133, 136, 141; Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act and, 158–59; legislative negotiations with Barack...
