In this Book

In Tutti Fratelli, Pope Francis has called again for a “culture of encounter,” But how should his theology, pastoral practice, and social message be understood and applied in the Church of the Americas, a single but complex reality that extends from South to North? This volume offers analyses from experts looking back to the Argentine pontiff’s first fateful encuentros in the Americas as a help for understanding the present reality of the Church in the Western Hemisphere. The group includes theologians, historians, and political scientists, and the unique contribution of the volume lies in the panoramic perspective offered by the book as a whole. The initial essays set the stage for the volume as a whole, offering rich insight into Argentine and Latin American history, the world from which the Pope came and to which he returned in 2015, as well as surveying the impact of the Latin American “theology of the people” on the Pope’s visit to the U.S. Additional essays address theological, historical, and pastoral engagements that cut across several of the visits. The final group of essays is dedicated to the visits themselves and is arranged in the order that they occurred. Pope Francis and the Search for God in América is offered to all the members of the Church in América, South and North, old and young, with the hope that it will spur even more thought, reflection, prayer, and service.

Table of Contents

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  1. Cover
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  1. Title Page, Copyright
  2. pp. i-iii
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  1. Contents
  2. pp. iv-v
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  1. Foreword
  2. Archbishop Christophe Pierre
  3. pp. vi-ix
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  1. Introduction. Pope Francis in América: A South-North Encounter
  2. Peter J. Casarella
  3. pp. 1-22
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  1. The Pope and the Patria Grande: How Francis Promotes Latin America's Continental Destiny
  2. Austen Ivereigh
  3. pp. 23-52
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  1. The Role of the Poor and the Suffering in the Christology And Theodicy of Pope Francis: The Theology of the Aparecida Document
  2. Sixto García
  3. pp. 53-71
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  1. "We Finally Have a Pope on the Side of the Poor"
  2. Ana María Bidegain
  3. pp. 72-93
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  1. Pope Francis and Popular Movements in Latin America
  2. Paulo Fernando Carneiro de Andrade
  3. pp. 94-115
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  1. Whisper to Those in Despair: "The Best Wine Is Yet to Come"--Memory, Hope, and Resistance
  2. Luis Herrera Rodríguez, SJ
  3. pp. 116-134
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  1. The Presence of God in the Experience of the Amerindian Peoples: A Reading of Pope Francis's Speeches in America (2015-16)
  2. Roberto Tomichá Charupá
  3. pp. 135-159
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  1. The First American Pope
  2. William L. Portier
  3. pp. 160-179
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  1. A Century of Mercy: The Catholic Church and Immigration Along the US-Mexico Border
  2. Julia G. Young
  3. pp. 180-202
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  1. Pope Francis and Latino Communities in the US: Spiritual Empowerment in the Americas through Language
  2. Luis Ricardo Fraga and Kiku Huckle
  3. pp. 203-223
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  1. Clericalism: A Neuralgic Point for Church Reform
  2. Allan Figueroa Deck
  3. pp. 224-249
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  1. Francis and the Witnesses of America
  2. Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer
  3. pp. 250-266
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  1. Works Cited of Pope Francis /Jorge Mario Bergoglio
  2. pp. 267-272
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  1. Works Cited
  2. pp. 273-290
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  1. Contributor Biographies
  2. pp. 291-296
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  1. Index
  2. pp. 297-312
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