In this Book
- A Prague School Reader in Linguistics
- Book
- 1964
- Published by: Indiana University Press
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"Structuralism" is a term used to designate various trends in modem linguistic science which emerged and became predominant between the two great wars. In this intercontinental effort toward a thoroughly scientific methodology, a team of scholars meeting at the confluence of cultural currents from both East and West became world-famous under the label "Prague School." They produced a host of fundamental studies—many of them long out of print or otherwise inaccessible—dealing with important problems in general linguistics. An anthology of these papers has been assembled and edited especially for Indiana University Studies in the History and Theory of Linguistics by one of the original and most prominent representatives of functional linguistics, Josef Vachek, Senior Research Worker of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.
Included are studies by A. Artymovyč, Bohuslav Havránek, Karel Horálek, A. V. lsačenko, Roman Jakobson, Serge Karcevskij, J. M. Korínek, Vilem Mathesius, L'udo- vít Novák, Eugéne Pauliny, I. Poldauf, Vladimir Skalička, B. Trnka, P. Trost, N. S. Troubetzkoy, and Josef Vachek.
Table of Contents

- Half Title
- p. i
- Frontmatter
- p. ii
- Title Page
- p. iii
- 5. On the potentiality of Language
- pp. 75-80
- 7. On the Conative Function of Language
- pp. 88-97
- 8. Laut und Wortbedeutung
- pp. 98-107
- 10. Phonemes and Phonological Units
- pp. 143-149
- 11. Projet d’une Nouvelle Definition du Phonème
- pp. 150-155
- 14. Sur la « morphonologie »
- pp. 183-186
- 15. Die Aufhebung der phonologischen Gegensätze
- pp. 187-205
- 16. Sur la Phonologie de la Phrase
- pp. 206-251
- 20. General Laws of Phonemic Combinations
- pp. 294-300
- 21. Bemerkungen zur Homonymie
- pp. 301-305
- 23. Morphem und Sema
- pp. 320-328
- 24. Some Thoughts on Structural Morphology
- pp. 329-334
- 25. Sur la structure du substantif russe
- pp. 335-346
- 26. Zur Struktur des russischen Verbums
- pp. 347-359
- 27. Sur la nature de l’adverbe
- pp. 360-365
- 29. The Need for a Linguistics of “la parole”
- pp. 375-390
- 30. La pharse et l’énociation
- pp. 391-397
- 34. Verstârkung und Emphase
- pp. 426-432
- 35. Bemerkungen zum Sprachtabu
- pp. 433-440
- 36. Zum Problem der geschriebenen Sprache
- pp. 441-452
- 37. Written Language and Printed Language
- pp. 453-460
- Appendix 40. Prague Structural Linguistics
- pp. 468-480
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