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COVID-19 is the most significant global crisis of any of our lifetimes. The numbers have been stupefying, whether of infection and mortality, the scale of public health measures, or the economic consequences of shutdown. Coronavirus Politics identifies key threads in the global comparative discussion that continue to shed light on COVID-19 and shape debates about what it means for scholarship in health and comparative politics. Editors Scott L. Greer, Elizabeth J. King, Elize Massard da Fonseca, and André Peralta-Santos bring together over 30 authors versed in politics and the health issues in order to understand the health policy decisions, the public health interventions, the social policy decisions, their interactions, and the reasons. The book’s coverage is global, with a wide range of key and exemplary countries, and contains a mixture of comparative, thematic, and templated country studies. All go beyond reporting and monitoring to develop explanations that draw on the authors' expertise while engaging in structured conversations across the book.

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  1. Cover
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  1. Half Title Page
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  1. Title Page
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  1. Copyright
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  1. Contents
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  1. Part I
  1. 1. Introduction: Explaining Pandemic Response
  2. Scott L. Greer, Elizabeth J. King, Elize Massard da Fonseca
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  1. 2. Playing Politics: The World Health Organization’s Response to COVID-19
  2. Matthew M. Kavanagh, Renu Singh, Mara Pillinger
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  1. 3. State Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Governance, Surveillance, Coercion, and Social Policy
  2. Holly Jarman
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  1. Part II: Asia
  1. 4. China’s Leninist Response to COVID-19: From Information Repression to Total Mobilization
  2. Victor C. Shih
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  1. 5. Public Policy and Learning from SARS: Explaining COVID-19 in Hong Kong
  2. John P. Burns
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  1. 6. Institutions Matter in Fighting COVID-19: Public Health, Social Policies, and the Control Tower in South Korea
  2. June Park
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  1. 7. Unified, Preventive, Low-cost Government Response to COVID-19 in Việt Nam
  2. Emma Willoughby
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  1. 8. Fighting COVID-19 in Japan: A Success Story?
  2. Takashi Nagata, Akihito Hagihara, Alan Kawarai Lefor, Ryozo Matsuda, Monika Steffen
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  1. 9. Singapore’s Response to COVID-19: An Explosion of Cases despite Being a “Gold Standard”
  2. Rebecca Wai
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  1. 10. India’s Response to COVID-19
  2. Minakshi Raj
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  1. 11. COVID-19 Response in Central Asia: A Cautionary Tale
  2. Pauline Jones, Elizabeth J. King
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  1. Part III: Europe
  1. 12. COVID-19 in the United Kingdom: How Austerity and a Loss of State Capacity Undermined the Crisis Response
  2. Gemma A. Williams, Selina Rajan, Jonathan D. Cylus
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  1. 13. The European Union Confronts COVID-19: Another European Rescue of the Nation-state?
  2. Eleanor Brooks, Anniek de Ruijter, Scott L. Greer
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  1. 14. Denmark’s Response to COVID-19: A Participatory Approach to Policy Innovation
  2. Darius Ornston
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  1. 15. France’s Multidimensional COVID-19 Response: Ad Hoc Committees and the Sidelining of Public Health Agencies
  2. Sarah D. Rozenblum
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  1. 16. Political Resonance in Austria’s Coronavirus Crisis Management
  2. Margitta Mätzke
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  1. 17. Three Approaches to Handling the COVID Crisis in Federal Countries: Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
  2. Thomas Czypionka, Miriam Reiss
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  1. 18. Italy’s Response to COVID-19
  2. Michelle Falkenbach, Manuela Caiani
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  1. 19. Spain’s Response to COVID-19
  2. Kenneth A. Dubin
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  1. 20. A Tale of Two Pandemics in Three Countries: Portugal, Spain, and Italy
  2. André Peralta-Santos, Luis Saboga-Nunes, Pedro C. Magalhães
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  1. 21. Greece at the Time of COVID-19: Caught between Scylla and Charybdis
  2. Elena Petelos, Dimitra Lingri, Christos Lionis
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  1. 22. COVID-19 in Turkey: Public Health Centralism
  2. Saime Özçürümez
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  1. 23. COVID-19 in Central and Eastern Europe: Focus on Czechia, Hungary, and Bulgaria
  2. Olga Löblová, Julia Rone, Endre Borbáth
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  1. 24. COVID-19 in the Russian Federation: Government Control during the Epidemic
  2. Elizabeth J. King, Victoria I. Dudina
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  1. Part IV: Americas
  1. 25. The Politics and Policy of Canada’s COVID-19 Response
  2. Patrick Fafard, Adèle Cassola, Margaret MacAulay, Michèle Palkovits
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  1. 26. Anatomy of a Failure: COVID-19 in the United States
  2. Phillip M. Singer, Charley E. Willison, N’dea Moore-Petinak, Scott L. Greer
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  1. 27. COVID-19 in Brazil: Presidential Denialism and the Subnational Government’s Response
  2. Elize Massard da Fonseca, Nicoli Nattrass, Luísa Bolaffi Arantes, Francisco Inácio Bastos
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  1. 28. Colombia’s Response to COVID-19: Pragmatic Command, Social Contention, and Political Challenges
  2. Claudia Acosta, Mónica Uribe-Gómez, Durfari Velandia-Naranjo
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  1. 29. The Politics of the COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Chile
  2. Claudio A. Méndez
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  1. Part V: Africa
  1. 30. Pandemic amid Political Crisis: Malawi’s Experience with and Response to COVID-19
  2. Kim Yi Dionne, Boniface Dulani, Sara E. Fischer
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  1. 31. Adapting COVID-19 Containment in Africa: Lessons from Tanzania
  2. Thespina (Nina) Yamanis, Ruth Carlitz, Henry A. Mollel
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  1. 32. Confronting Legacies and Charting a New Course? The Politics of Coronavirus Response in South Africa
  2. Joseph Harris
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  1. 33. Comparative Analysis of COVID-19 Transmission and Mortality in Select African Countries
  2. Kanayo K. Ogujiuba, Uviwe Binase
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  1. 34. Conclusion
  2. Scott L. Greer, Elize Massard da Fonesca, Elizabeth J. King
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  1. Contributors
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  1. Index
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