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Against the grain of the growing literature on screens, *Screen Genealogies* argues that the present excess of screens cannot be understood as an expansion and multiplication of the movie screen nor of the video display. Rather, screens continually exceed the optical histories in which they are most commonly inscribed. As contemporary screens become increasingly decomposed into a distributed field of technologically interconnected surfaces and interfaces, we more readily recognize the deeper spatial and environmental interventions that have long been a property of screens. For most of its history, a screen was a filter, a divide, a shelter, or a camouflage. A genealogy stressing transformation and descent rather than origins and roots emphasizes a deeper set of intersecting and competing definitions of the screen, enabling new thinking about what the screen might yet become.

Table of Contents

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  1. Cover
  2. open access
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  1. Title, Copyright
  2. pp. 1-4
  3. open access
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  1. Table of Contents
  2. pp. 5-6
  3. open access
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  1. Introduction
  2. Craig Buckley, RĂ¼diger Campe, and Francesco Casetti
  3. pp. 7-26
  4. open access
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  1. Becoming Screen
  1. 1. Primal Screens
  2. Francesco Casetti
  3. pp. 27-50
  4. open access
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  1. 2. 'Schutz und Schirm': Screening in German During Early Modern Times
  2. RĂ¼diger Campe
  3. pp. 51-72
  4. open access
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  1. Spaces
  1. 3. Face and Screen: Toward a Genealogy of the Media Facade
  2. Craig Buckley
  3. pp. 73-114
  4. open access
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  1. 4. Sensing Screens: From Surface to Situation
  2. Nanna Verhoeff
  3. pp. 115-134
  4. open access
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  1. 5. 'Taking the Plunge': The New Immersive Screens
  2. Ariel Rogers
  3. pp. 135-158
  4. open access
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  1. Atmospheres
  1. 6. The Atmospheric Screen: Turner, Hazlitt, Ruskin
  2. Antonio Somaini
  3. pp. 159-186
  4. open access
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  1. 7. The Fog Medium: Visualizing and Engineering the Atmosphere
  2. Yuriko Furuhata
  3. pp. 187-214
  4. open access
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  1. 8. The Charge of a Light Barricade: Optics and Ballistics in the Ambiguous Being of Screens
  2. John Durham Peters
  3. pp. 215-236
  4. open access
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  1. Formats
  1. 9. Flat Bayreuth: A Genealogy of Opera as Screened
  2. Gundula Kreuzer
  3. pp. 237-268
  4. open access
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  1. 10. Imaginary Screens: The Hypnotic Gesture and Early Film
  2. Ruggero Eugeni
  3. pp. 269-292
  4. open access
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  1. 11. Material. Human. Divine. Notes on the Vertical Screen
  2. Noam M. Elcott
  3. pp. 293-320
  4. open access
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  1. Acknowledgments
  2. pp. 321-322
  3. open access
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  1. Index
  2. pp. 323-328
  3. open access
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