In this Book
- Middlebrow Matters: Women's reading and the literary canon in France since the Belle Époque
- Book
- 2018
- Published by: Liverpool University Press
This is the first book to study the middlebrow novel in France. Middlebrow is a derogatory word that connotes blandness, mediocrity and a failed aspiration to ‘high’ culture. However, when appropriated as a positive term to denote that wide swathe of literature between the challenging experimentalism of the high and the formulaic tendency of the popular, it enables a rethinking of the literary canon from the point of view of what most readers actually read, a criterion curiously absent from dominant definitions of literary value. Since women have long formed a majority of the reading public, this perspective immediately feminises what has always been a very male canon. Opening with a theorisation of the concept of middlebrow that mounts a defence of some literary qualities disdained by modernism, the book then focuses on a series of case studies of periods (the Belle Époque, inter-war, early twenty-first century), authors (including Colette, Irène Nemirovsky, Françoise Sagan, Anna Gavalda) and the middlebrow nature of literary prizes. It concludes with a double reading of a single text, from the perspective of an academic critic, and from that of a middlebrow reader.
Table of Contents

- Title Page, Copyright
- pp. ii-iv
- Acknowledgements
- pp. vii-viii
- Introduction
- pp. 1-4
- 1. Reclaiming the Middlebrow
- pp. 5-31
- 2. The Birth of French Middlebrow
- pp. 32-59
- 3. Colette: The Middlebrow Modernist
- pp. 60-90
- 5. The ‘little world’ of Françoise Sagan
- pp. 126-149
- 6. Literary Prizes, Women and the Middlebrow
- pp. 150-177
- Bibliography
- pp. 223-238
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