In this Book

What’s a theoretical framework for? How do you effectively present your data in a figure? What’s the secret to a good presentation?As an interdisciplinary student, you delve into theories and research methodsfrom a whole range of disciplines. Academic skills are the tools that you can use to take in, develop, integrate and question knowledge. This guide provides specific instructions, tips and examples to help students develop these skills, both during and after their studies.As academic education focuses on research, the empirical cycle forms a keytheme of the book, including when discussing the following skills:- Searching for, critically reading and analysing scholarly texts- Formulating research questions- Making concepts measurable, qualitatively and quantitatively- Organizing literature and data- Analysing and formulating an argument- Academic writing- Collaborating- Reflecting- Presenting

Table of Contents

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  1. Cover
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  1. Title Page, Copyright
  2. pp. i-iv
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  1. Contents
  2. pp. v-ix
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  1. Acknowledgements
  2. p. 10
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  1. Introduction
  2. pp. 11-13
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  1. PART 1. Orientation and reading
  1. 1. Preparatory reading and searching
  2. pp. 15-28
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  1. 2. Gathering and organizing key information
  2. pp. 29-37
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  1. 3. Studying thoroughly and critically
  2. pp. 38-47
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  1. PART 2. Making your research measurable
  1. 4. From your topic to your question
  2. pp. 49-54
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  1. 5. Formulating a good question
  2. pp. 55-58
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  1. 6. A testable concept
  2. pp. 59-63
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  1. 7. Making a research instrument
  2. pp. 64-75
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  1. PART 3. Doing and writing up research
  1. 8. Research practice
  2. pp. 77-87
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  1. 9. The structure of your article
  2. pp. 88-103
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  1. 10. Finishing your article: academic writing, titles, and abstracts
  2. pp. 104-108
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  1. 11. Citing sources and the bibliography
  2. pp. 109-119
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  1. PART 4. Reflecting and communicating
  1. 12. Preventing fraud and plagiarism
  2. pp. 121-123
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  1. 13. Collaboration, feedback, and peer review
  2. pp. 124-132
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  1. 14. Presenting
  2. pp. 133-145
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  1. Appendices
  1. Appendix A. Sample literature review
  2. pp. 148-157
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  1. Appendix B. Sample research article
  2. pp. 158-168
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  1. Index
  2. pp. 169-176
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