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  • Global Forensic Cultures: Making Fact and Justice in the Modern Era
  • Book
  • edited by Ian Burney and Christopher Hamlin
  • 2019
  • Published by: Johns Hopkins University Press
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Essays explore forensic science in global and historical context, opening a critical window onto contemporary debates about the universal validity of present-day genomic forensic practices.Contemporary forensic science has achieved unprecedented visibility as a compelling example of applied expertise. But the common public view—that we are living in an era of forensic deliverance, one exemplified by DNA typing—has masked the reality: that forensic science has always been unique, problematic, and contested. Global Forensic Cultures aims to rectify this problem by recognizing the universality of forensic questions and the variety of practices and institutions constructed to answer them.Groundbreaking essays written by leaders in the field address the complex and contentious histories of forensic techniques. Contributors also examine the co-evolution of these techniques with the professions creating and using them, with the systems of governance and jurisprudence in which they are used, and with the socioeconomic, political, racial, and gendered settings of that use. Exploring the profound effect of "location" (temporal and spatial) on the production and enactment of forms of forensic knowledge during the century before CSI became a household acronym, the book explores numerous related topics, including the notion of burden of proof, changing roles of experts and witnesses, the development and dissemination of forensic techniques and skills, the financial and practical constraints facing investigators, and cultures of forensics and of criminality within and against which forensic practitioners operate.Covering sites of modern and historic forensic innovation in the United States, Europe, and farther-flung imperial and global settings, these essays tell stories of blood, poison, corpses; tracking persons and attesting documents; truth-making, egregious racism, and sinister surveillance. Each chapter is a finely grained case study. Collectively, Global Forensic Cultures supplies a historical foundation for the critical appraisal of contemporary forensic institutions which has begun in the wake of DNA-based exonerations.Contributors: Bruno Bertherat, José Ramón Bertomeu Sánchez, Binyamin Blum, Ian Burney, Marcus B. Carrier, Simon A. Cole, Christopher Hamlin, Jeffrey Jentzen, Projit Bihari Mukharji, Quentin (Trais) Pearson, Mitra Sharafi, Gagan Preet Singh, Heather Wolffram

Table of Contents

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  1. Cover
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  1. Title Page, Copyright
  2. pp. i-iv
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  1. Contents
  2. pp. v-vi
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  1. Acknowledgments
  2. pp. vii-x
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  1. Introduction: Forensic Facts, the Guts of Rights
  2. Christopher Hamlin
  3. pp. 1-34
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  1. PART I. Evidence and Epistemology
  1. The Value(s) of Methods: Method Selection in German Forensic Toxicology in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
  2. Marcus B. Carrier
  3. pp. 37-59
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  1. The Imperial Serologist and Punitive Self-Harm: Bloodstains and Legal Pluralism in British India
  2. Mitra Sharafi
  3. pp. 60-85
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  1. Handwriting Analysis as a Dynamic Artisanal Science: The Hardless Detective Dynasty and the Forensic Cultures of the British Raj
  2. Projit Bihari Mukharji
  3. pp. 86-111
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  1. Spatters and Lies: Contrasting Forensic Cultures in the Trials of Sam Sheppard, 1954–66
  2. Ian Burney
  3. pp. 112-146
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  1. PART II. Practices of Power and Policing
  1. Death and Empire: Medicolegal Investigations and Practice across the British Empire
  2. Jeffrey Jentzen
  3. pp. 149-173
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  1. Fingerprints and the Politics of Scientific Policing in Early Twentieth-Century Spain
  2. José Ramón Bertomeu-Sánchez
  3. pp. 174-204
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  1. From Bedouin Trackers to Doberman Pinschers: The Rise of Dog Tracking as Forensic Evidence in Palestine
  2. Binyamin Blum
  3. pp. 205-234
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  1. “DNA Evidence Cannot Lie”: Forensic Science, Truth Regimes, and Civic Epistemology in Thai History
  2. Quentin (trais) Pearson
  3. pp. 235-254
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  1. PART III. Training and Transmitting
  1. Cleaning Out the Mortuary and the Medicolegal Text: Ambriose Tardieu’s Modernizing Enterprise
  2. Bruno Bertherat
  3. pp. 257-278
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  1. The Strange Science: Tracking and Detection in the Late Nineteenth-Century Punjab
  2. Gagan Preet Singh
  3. pp. 279-304
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  1. Forensic Knowledge and Forensic Networks in Britain’s Empire: The Case of Sydney Smith
  2. Heather Wolffram
  3. pp. 305-324
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  1. Afterword: A Tale of Two Cities? Locating the History of Forensic Science and Medicine in Contemporary Forensic Reform Discourse
  2. Simon A. Cole
  3. pp. 325-334
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  1. List of Contributors
  2. pp. 335-338
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  1. Index
  2. pp. 339-346
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