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Cornell University Press
  • Monarchs in a Changing World: Biology and Conservation of an Iconic Butterfly
  • Book
  • edited by Karen S. Oberhauser, Kelly R. Nail, and Sonia Altizer
  • 2015
  • Published by: Cornell University Press
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Monarch butterflies are among the most popular insect species in the world and are an icon for conservation groups and environmental education programs. Monarch caterpillars and adults are easily recognizable as welcome visitors to gardens in North America and beyond, and their spectacular migration in eastern North America (from breeding locations in Canada and the United States to overwintering sites in Mexico) has captured the imagination of the public.

Monarch migration, behavior, and chemical ecology have been studied for decades. Yet many aspects of monarch biology have come to light in only the past few years. These aspects include questions regarding large-scale trends in monarch population sizes, monarch interactions with pathogens and insect predators, and monarch molecular genetics and large-scale evolution. A growing number of current research findings build on the observations of citizen scientists, who monitor monarch migration, reproduction, survival, and disease. Monarchs face new threats from humans as they navigate a changing landscape marked by deforestation, pesticides, genetically modified crops, and a changing climate, all of which place the future of monarchs and their amazing migration in peril.

To meet the demand for a timely synthesis of monarch biology, conservation and outreach, Monarchs in a Changing World summarizes recent developments in scientific research, highlights challenges and responses to threats to monarch conservation, and showcases the many ways that monarchs are used in citizen science programs, outreach, and education. It examines issues pertaining to the eastern and western North American migratory populations, as well as to monarchs in South America, the Pacific and Caribbean Islands, and Europe. The target audience includes entomologists, population biologists, conservation policymakers, and K–12 teachers.

Monarch butterflies are among the most popular insect species in the world and are an icon for conservation groups and environmental education programs. Monarch caterpillars and adults are easily recognizable as welcome visitors to gardens in North America and beyond, and their spectacular migration in eastern North America (from breeding locations in Canada and the United States to overwintering sites in Mexico) has captured the imagination of the public.Monarch migration, behavior, and chemical ecology have been studied for decades. Yet many aspects of monarch biology have come to light in only the past few years. These aspects include questions regarding large-scale trends in monarch population sizes, monarch interactions with pathogens and insect predators, and monarch molecular genetics and large-scale evolution. A growing number of current research findings build on the observations of citizen scientists, who monitor monarch migration, reproduction, survival, and disease. Monarchs face new threats from humans as they navigate a changing landscape marked by deforestation, pesticides, genetically modified crops, and a changing climate, all of which place the future of monarchs and their amazing migration in peril. To meet the demand for a timely synthesis of monarch biology, conservation and outreach, Monarchs in a Changing World summarizes recent developments in scientific research, highlights challenges and responses to threats to monarch conservation, and showcases the many ways that monarchs are used in citizen science programs, outreach, and education. It examines issues pertaining to the eastern and western North American migratory populations, as well as to monarchs in South America, the Pacific and Caribbean Islands, and Europe. The target audience includes entomologists, population biologists, conservation policymakers, and K–12 teachers.Contributors: Anurag A. Agrawal, Cornell University; Jared G. Ali, Michigan State University; Sonia Altizer, University of Georgia; Michael C. Anderson, Eden Prairie, Minnesota; Sophia M. Anderson, Eden Prairie, Minnesota; Kim Bailey, Georgia Department of Natural Resources; Rebecca Batalden, University of Minnesota; Kristen A. Baum, Oklahoma State University; Scott Hoffman Black, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Brianna Borders, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Lincoln P. Brower, Sweet Briar College; Wendy Caldwell, University of Minnesota; Mariana Cantú-Férnandez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Nicola Chamberlain, Harvard University; Sonya Charest, Montreal Insectarium; Andrew K. Davis, University of Georgia; Alma De Anda, Covina, California; Guadalupe del Rio Pesado, Alternare, A.C., Mexico; Janet Kudell-Ekstrum, USDA Forest Service; Linda S. Fink, Sweet Briar College; Mark Fishbein, Oklahoma State University; Juan Fernández-Haeger, University of Córdoba, Spain; Eligio García Serrano, Fondo Monarca, Mexico; Mark Garland, Cape May Monarch Monitoring Project; Brian Hayes, Monarch Teacher Network; Elizabeth Howard, Journey North; Mark D. Hunter, University of Michigan; Sarina Jepsen, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Diego Jordano, University of Córdoba, Spain; Matthew C. Kaiser, University of Minnesota; Ridlon J. Kiphart, Texas Master Naturalists; Marcus R. Kronforst, University of Chicago; Jim Lovett, University of Kansas; Eric Lee-Mäder, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Stephen B. Malcolm, Western Michigan University; Héctor Martínez-Torres, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Susan Meyers, Stone Mountain Memorial Association; Erik A. Mollenhauer, Monarch Teacher Network; Mía Monroe, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Eneida B. Montesinos-Patino, Monarch Butterfly Fund; Gail M. Morris, Southwest Monarch Study; Elisha K. Mueller, Oklahoma State University; Kelly R. Nail, University of Minnesota; Karen S. Oberhauser, University of Minnesota; Diego R. Pérez-Salicrup, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Amanda A. Pierce, Emory University; John Pleasants, Iowa State University; Victoria Pocius, University of Kansas; Robert Michael Pyle, Northwest Lepidoptera Survey; M. Isabel Ramírez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Sergio Rasmann, University of California, Irvine; Gerald Rehfeldt, USDA Forest Service; Eduardo Rendón-Salinas, World Wildlife Fund–Mexico; Leslie Ries, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center; Jacobus C. de Roode, Emory University; Richard G. RuBino, Florida State University; Ann Ryan, University of Kansas; Cuauhtémoc Sáenz-Romero, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo; Lidia Salas-Canela, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Phil Schappert, Biophilia Consulting; Priya C. Shahani, Oregon State University; Benjamin H. Slager, Western Michigan University; Michelle J. Solensky, University of Jamestown; Douglas J. Taron, Chicago Academy of Sciences/Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum; Orley R. Taylor, University of Kansas; Rocío Treviño, Protección de la Fauna Mexicana A.C.; Francis X. Villablanca, California Polytechnic State University; Dick Walton, New Jersey Audubon/Cape May Bird Observatory; Ernest H. Williams, Hamilton College; Elisabeth Young-Isebrand, University of Minnesota; Myron P. Zalucki, University of Queensland; Raúl R. Zubieta, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Table of Contents

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  1. Cover
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  1. Title Page, Copyright Page
  2. pp. i-iv
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  1. Contents
  2. pp. v-viii
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  1. Preface
  2. pp. ix-xii
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  1. Part I: Model Programs for Citizen Science, Education, and Conservation: An Overview
  2. Karen S. Oberhauser
  3. pp. 1-4
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  1. 1. Environmental Education and Monarchs: Reaching across Disciplines, Generations, and Nations
  2. Elisabeth Young-Isebrand, Karen S. Oberhauser, Kim Bailey, Sonya Charest, Brian Hayes, Elizabeth Howard, Jim Lovett, Susan Meyers, Erik Mollenhauer, Eneida B. Montesiños-Patino, Ann Ryan, Orley R. Taylor, and Rocío Treviño
  3. pp. 5-12
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  1. 2. Contributions to Monarch Biology and Conservation through Citizen Science: Seventy Years and Counting
  2. Karen S. Oberhauser, Leslie Ries, Sonia Altizer, Rebecca V. Batalden, Janet Kudell-Ekstrum, Mark Garland, Elizabeth Howard, Sarina Jepsen, Jim Lovett, Mía Monroe, Gail Morris, Eduardo Rendón-Salinas, Richard G. RuBino, Ann Ryan, Orley R. Taylor, Rocío Treviño, Francis X. Villablanca, and Dick Walton
  3. pp. 13-30
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  1. 3. Monarch Habitat Conservation across North America: Past Progress and Future Needs
  2. Priya C. Shahani, Guadalupe del Río Pesado, Phil Schappert, and Eligio García Serrano
  3. pp. 31-42
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  1. Part II: Monarchs as Herbivores, Prey, and Hosts: An Overview
  2. Jacobus C. de Roode
  3. pp. 43-46
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  1. 4. Macroevolutionary Trends in the Defense of Milkweeds against Monarchs: Latex, Cardenolides, and Tolerance of Herbivory
  2. Anurag A. Agrawal, Jared G. Ali, Sergio Rasmann, and Mark Fishbein
  3. pp. 47-59
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  1. 5. Invertebrate Natural Enemies and Stage-Specific Mortality Rates of Monarch Eggs and Larvae
  2. Alma De Anda and Karen S. Oberhauser
  3. pp. 60-70
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  1. 6. Lacewings, Wasps, and Flies—Oh My: Insect Enemies Take a Bite out of Monarchs
  2. Karen S. Oberhauser, Michael Anderson, Sophia Anderson, Wendy Caldwell, Alma De Anda, Mark Hunter, Matthew C. Kaiser, and Michelle J. Solensky
  3. pp. 71-82
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  1. 7. Monarchs and Their Debilitating Parasites: Immunity, Migration, and Medicinal Plant Use
  2. Sonia Altizer and Jacobus C. de Roode
  3. pp. 83-94
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  1. Part III: Monarchs in a Changing Climate: An Overview
  2. Kelly R. Nail and Karen S. Oberhauser
  3. pp. 95-98
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  1. 8. What’s Too Hot and What’s Too Cold?: Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Extreme Temperatures on Developing Monarchs
  2. Kelly R. Nail, Rebecca V. Batalden, and Karen S. Oberhauser
  3. pp. 99-108
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  1. 9. Microclimatic Protection of Overwintering Monarchs Provided by Mexico’s High-Elevation Oyamel Fir Forests: A Review
  2. Ernest H. Williams and Lincoln P. Brower
  3. pp. 109-116
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  1. 10. Effect of the 2010–2011 Drought on the Lipid Content of Monarchs Migrating through Texas to Overwintering Sites in Mexico
  2. Lincoln P. Brower, Linda S. Fink, Ridlon J. Kiphart, Victoria Pocius, Raúl R. Zubieta, and M. Isabel Ramírez
  3. pp. 117-129
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  1. 11. Estimating the Climate Signal in Monarch Population Decline: No Direct Evidence for an Impact of Climate Change?
  2. Myron P. Zalucki, Lincoln P. Brower, Stephen B. Malcolm, and Benjamin H. Slager
  3. pp. 130-142
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  1. Part IV: Conserving North American Monarch Butterflies: An Overview
  2. Lincoln P. Brower and Linda S. Fink
  3. pp. 143-146
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  1. 12. Understanding and Conserving the Western North American Monarch Population
  2. Sarina Jepsen and Scott Hoffman Black
  3. pp. 147-156
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  1. 13. Threats to the Availability of Overwintering Habitat in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve: Land Use and Climate Change
  2. M. Isabel Ramírez, Cuauhtémoc Sáenz-Romero, Gerald Rehfeldt, and Lidia Salas-Canela
  3. pp. 157-168
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  1. 14. Monarch Butterflies and Agriculture
  2. John M. Pleasants
  3. pp. 169-178
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  1. 15. Fires and Fire Management in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve
  2. Héctor Martínez-Torres, Mariana Cantú-Fernández, M. Isabel Ramírez, and Diego R. Pérez-Salicrup
  3. pp. 179-189
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  1. 16. Project Milkweed: A Strategy for Monarch Habitat Conservation
  2. Brianna Borders and Eric Lee-Mäder
  3. pp. 190-196
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  1. 17. Grassland and Roadside Management Practices Affect Milkweed Abundance and Opportunities for Monarch Recruitment
  2. Kristen A. Baum and Elisha K. Mueller
  3. pp. 197-202
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  1. Part V: New Perspectives on Monarch Migration, Evolution, and Population Biology: An Overview
  2. Andrew K. Davis and Sonia Altizer
  3. pp. 203-206
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  1. 18. Tracking the Fall Migration of Eastern Monarchs with Journey North Roost Sightings: New Findings about the Pace of Fall Migration
  2. Elizabeth Howard and Andrew K. Davis
  3. pp. 207-214
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  1. 19. Potential Changes in Eastern North American Monarch Migration in Response to an Introduced Milkweed, Asclepias curassavica
  2. Rebecca V. Batalden and Karen S. Oberhauser
  3. pp. 215-224
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  1. 20. Migration and Host Plant Use by the Southern Monarch, Danaus erippus
  2. Stephen B. Malcolm and Benjamin H. Slager
  3. pp. 225-235
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  1. 21. Monarchs in the Mist: New Perspectives on Monarch Distribution in the Pacific Northwest
  2. Robert Michael Pyle
  3. pp. 236-246
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  1. 22. Monarchs across the Atlantic Ocean: What’s Happening on the Other Shore?
  2. Juan Fernández-Haeger, Diego Jordano, and Myron P. Zalucki
  3. pp. 247-256
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  1. 23. Unraveling the Mysteries of Monarch Migration and Global Dispersal through Molecular Genetic Techniques
  2. Amanda A. Pierce, Sonia Altizer, Nicola L. Chamberlain, Marcus R. Kronforst, and Jacobus C. de Roode
  3. pp. 257-267
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  1. 24. Connecting Eastern Monarch Population Dynamics across Their Migratory Cycle
  2. Leslie Ries, Douglas J. Taron, Eduardo Rendón-Salinas, and Karen S. Oberhauser
  3. pp. 268-282
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  1. References
  2. pp. 283-312
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  1. Contributors
  2. pp. 313-316
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  1. Index
  2. pp. 317-321
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  1. Color plates
  2. pp. 322-337
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