In this Book
- Transfigured World: Walter Pater's Aesthetic Historicism
- Book
- 2016
- Published by: Cornell University Press
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Exploring the intricacy and complexity of Walter Pater's prose, Transfigured World challenges traditional approaches to Pater and shows precise ways in which the form of his prose expresses its content. Carolyn Williams asserts that Pater's aestheticism and his historicism should be understood as dialectically interrelated critical strategies, inextricable from each other in practice. Williams discusses the explicit and embedded narratives that play a crucial role in Pater's aesthetic criticism and examines the figures that compose these narratives, including rhetorical tropes, structures of argument such as genealogy, and historical or fictional personae.
Table of Contents

- Cover
- p. i
- Title Page
- p. iii
- Dedication
- p. v
- Acknowledgments
- pp. ix-x
- Abbreviations
- pp. xi-xiv
- Acknowledgments
- pp. ix-x
- Introduction
- pp. 1-10
- Abbreviations
- pp. xi-xii
- Part One: Opening Conclusions
- pp. 11-13
- Epigraph
- p. xiv
- 1. "That Which Is Without"
- pp. 14-18
- Introduction
- pp. 1-10
- Part One · Opening Conclusions
- pp. 11-13
- 3. Aestheticism
- pp. 26-37
- 1. “That Which Is Without”
- pp. 14-18
- 4. Answerable Style
- pp. 37-46
- 5. Historicism
- pp. 46-57
- 3. Aestheticism
- pp. 26-37
- 4. Answerable Style
- pp. 38-46
- 7. The Poetics of Revival
- pp. 68-78
- 5. Historicism
- pp. 47-57
- 1. Legend and Historicity
- pp. 82-94
- 7. The Poetics of Revival
- pp. 68-78
- 2. Myths of History: The Last Supper
- pp. 94-102
- 3. The Historicity of Myth
- pp. 103-110
- 1. Legend and Historicity
- pp. 83-94
- 4. Myths of History: The Mona Lisa
- pp. 111-123
- 2. Myths of History: The Last Supper
- pp. 95-102
- 5. Types and Figures
- pp. 123-143
- 3. The Historicity of Myth
- pp. 103-110
- 6. Low and High Relief: "Luca Della Robbia"
- pp. 143-153
- 4. Myths of History: The Mona Lisa
- pp. 111-123
- 7. The Senses of Relief
- pp. 153-168
- 5. Types and Figures
- pp. 124-143
- 1. The Transparent Hero
- pp. 172-184
- 7. The Senses of Relief
- pp. 154-168
- 2. Autobiography of the Zeitgeist
- pp. 184-193
- 3. The Transcendental Induction
- pp. 193-202
- 1. The Transparent Hero
- pp. 173-184
- 4. Typology as Narrative Form
- pp. 202-212
- 2. Autobiography of the Zeitgeist
- pp. 185-193
- 5. Typological Ladders
- pp. 213-219
- 3. The Transcendental Induction
- pp. 194-202
- 6. Christian Historicism
- pp. 219-224
- 4. Typology as Narrative Form
- pp. 203-212
- 7. Literary History as "Appreciation"
- pp. 224-234
- 5. Typological Ladders
- pp. 213-219
- 6. Christian Historicism
- pp. 220-224
- 1. Histories of Myth: The Greek Studies
- pp. 238-247
- 7. Literary History as “Appreciation”
- pp. 225-234
- 2. The House Beautiful and Its Interpreter
- pp. 247-249
- 3. The Philosophy of Mythic Form
- pp. 249-258
- 1. Histories of Myth: The Greek Studies
- pp. 239-247
- 4. The History of Philosophy
- pp. 258-266
- 5. The Anecdote of the Shell
- pp. 266-270
- 3. The Philosophy of Mythic Form
- pp. 250-258
- 6. Dialogue and Dialectic
- pp. 270-277
- 4. The History of Philosophy
- pp. 259-266
- 7. Paterian Recollection: The Anagogic Mind
- pp. 277-281
- 5. The Anecdote of the Shell
- pp. 267-270
- 6. Dialogue and Dialectic
- pp. 271-277
- Afterword
- pp. 282-284
- Index
- pp. 285-290
- Copyright
- p. iv