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Multiculturalism in present-day Europe
How to understand Europe’s post-migrant Islam on the one hand and indigenous, anti-Islamic movements on the other? What impact will religion have on the European secular world and its regulation? How do social and economic transitions on a transnational scale challenge ethnic and religious identifications? These questions are at the very heart of the debate on multiculturalism in present-day Europe and are addressed by the authors in this book. Through the lens of post-migrant societies, manifestations of identity appear in pluralized, fragmented, and deterritorialized forms. This new European multiculturalism calls into question the nature of boundaries between various ethnic-religious groups, as well as the demarcation lines within ethnic-religious communities. Although the contributions in this volume focus on Islam, ample attention is also paid to Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism. The authors present empirical data from cases in Turkey, Germany, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Poland, Norway, Sweden, and Belgium, and sharpen the perspectives on the religious-ethnic manifestations of identity in the transnational context of 21st-century Europe.

Ebook available in Open Access.
This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).

Chris Allen (University of Birmingham), Cüneyt Dinç (Süleyman Şah University, Istanbul), Frédérique Harry (University of Paris-Sorbonne), Goedroen Juchtmans (KU Leuven and IKKS, Antwerp), Vincent Legrand (Université catholique de Louvain), Johan Leman (KU Leuven), Kathryn Lum (European University Institute, Florence), Marcel Meciar (Yeditepe University, Istanbul), Ephraim Nimni (Queen's University Belfast), Murat Sevencan (Suleyman Sah University, Istanbul), İsmail Mesut Sezgin (Leeds Metropolitan University), Erkan Toğuşlu (KU Leuven), Katarzyna Warmińska (Cracow University)

Table of Contents

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  1. Title Page, Editorial Board, Copyright
  2. open access
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  1. Table of Contents
  2. pp. 5-6
  3. open access
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  1. Introduction
  1. Chapter 1: The Manifestation of Identities in a Plural Post-Secular Europe
  2. Johan Leman, Erkan Toğuşlu and İsmail Mesut Sezgin
  3. pp. 9-32
  4. open access
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  1. Part I: Post-Migrant Interactions/Identifications
  1. Chapter 2: New and Old Identity Patterns of Religious Young Muslims in Germany
  2. Cüneyd Dinç
  3. pp. 35-54
  4. open access
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  1. Chapter 3: Connecting Home and School: on the Second Generation Muslim Children’s Agency in Belgian Schools
  2. Goedroen Juchtmans
  3. pp. 55-72
  4. open access
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  1. Chapter 4: Immigrant Identity, Social Adaptation and Post-Secular Society in Europe
  2. Marcel Mečiar
  3. pp. 73-94
  4. open access
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  1. Chapter 5: Manufacturing Self-Respect: Stigma, Pride and Cultural Juggling among Dalit Youth in Spain
  2. Kathryn Lum
  3. pp. 95-118
  4. open access
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  1. Chapter 6: A Case of Euro-Muslimness in Poland? The Polish Tartars case
  2. Katarzyna Warmińska
  3. pp. 119-136
  4. open access
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  1. Part II: Non-Migrant, Anti-Islam Interactions/Identifications
  1. Chapter 7: ‘Anti-Islamization of Europe’ Activism or the Phenomenon of an Allegedly ‘Non-racist’ Islamophobia: A Case Study of a Problematic Advocacy Coalition
  2. Vincent Legrand
  3. pp. 139-160
  4. open access
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  1. Chapter 8: Discourses on Religion and Identity in Norway: Right-Wing Radicalism and Anti-Immigration Parties
  2. Frédérique Harry
  3. pp. 161-170
  4. open access
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  1. Chapter 9: Competing Forms of Identity and the Concept of Sovereignty in Europe
  2. Murat Sevencan
  3. pp. 171-194
  4. open access
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  1. Chapter 10: Democratic Theory and the Autonomy of Non-Christian Religious Courts in the UK
  2. Ephraim Nimni
  3. pp. 195-212
  4. open access
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  1. Chapter 11: Islamophobia and the Crises of Europe’s Multiculturalism
  2. Chris Allen
  3. pp. 213-228
  4. open access
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  1. Conclusion
  1. Chapter 12: Ethnic-Religious Intersections and New Multiculturalism
  2. Johan Leman, Erkan Toğuşlu and İsmail Mesut Sezgin
  3. pp. 231-242
  4. open access
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  1. About the Authors
  2. pp. 243-246
  3. open access
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