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Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas (1954) was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court in the twentieth century. It overturned the Court’s earlier ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), declaring the establishment of separate public schools for black and white students as inherently unequal. This victory paved the way for integration in public schools and the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The Promise of Justice: Essays on Brown v. Board of Education, assembles fourteen essays about Brown and its consequences in the fifty years following the decision. Several of the essayists in this anthology provide personal recollections of the conditions before and immediately after the decision in Brown. One of the authors was a child plaintiff in a related case. Another was the federal district judge responsible for deciding in favor of, and then overseeing, integration in a major northern city. Contributors to this volume include legal specialists, sociologists, educators, and political scientists. A history of the legal milestones of integration is included, as well as judgments about the progress that has been made and the need for additional actions to assure racial equality under the law. Ten of these essays first appeared in a special issue of The Negro Educational Review published in January 2005, and four were written expressly for this volume.

Table of Contents

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  1. Cover
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  1. Title Page, Copyright Page, Dedication
  2. pp. i-vi
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  1. Table of Contents
  2. pp. vii-viii
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  1. Foreword and Acknowledgments
  2. Mac A. Stewart
  3. pp. ix-xiv
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  1. 1. The Promise of Brown: Desegregation, Affirmative Action and the Struggle for Racial Equality
  2. Manning Marable
  3. pp. 1-14
  4. open access
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  1. 2. What are the Ultimate Meaning and Significance of Brown v. Board of Education?: A Note on Justice, Constitutionalism, and the Human Person
  2. Samuel DuBois Cook
  3. pp. 15-27
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  1. 3. The Continuing Spirit of the Brown Decision of the Supreme Court
  2. Charles V. Willie
  3. pp. 28-37
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  1. 4. Observing the Fiftieth Anniversary of the 1954 United States Court School Desegregation Decision in Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
  2. Charles U. Smith
  3. pp. 38-58
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  1. 5. Remembering LIttle Rock, 1957
  2. Lester P. Monts
  3. pp. 59-66
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  1. 6. Frasier v. UNC - A Personal Account
  2. Ralph K. Frasier
  3. pp. 67-79
  4. open access
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  1. 7. Brown v. Board and Columbus
  2. Robert M. Duncan
  3. pp. 80-90
  4. open access
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  1. 8. A Bi-Generational Narrative in the Brown v. Board Decision
  2. Adia M. Harvey and William B. Harvey
  3. pp. 91-101
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  1. 9. Why All Deliberate Speed?: Using Brown to Understand Brown
  2. John A. Powell
  3. pp. 102-127
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  1. 10. Brown's Legacy: The Promises and Pitfalls of Judicial Relief
  2. Deborah Jones Merritt
  3. pp. 128-133
  4. open access
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  1. 11. The Not So Strange Path of Desegregation in America's Public Schools
  2. Philip T. K. Daniel
  3. pp. 134-149
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  1. 12. The Big Disconnect between Segregation and Integration
  2. Vincene Verdun
  3. pp. 150-173
  4. open access
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  1. 13. Brown v. Board of Education at Fifty: Where Are We Now?
  2. Janine Hancock Jones and Charles R. Hancock
  3. pp. 174-184
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  1. 14. Children of Brown
  2. Mac A. Stewart
  3. pp. 185-190
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  1. Bibliography
  2. pp. 191-195
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  1. Contributors
  2. pp. 196-202
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  1. Index
  2. pp. 203-210
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  1. Back Cover
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