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The work of Elliot R. Wolfson has profoundly influenced the fields of Jewish studies as well as philosophy and religion more broadly. His radically new approaches have created pioneering ways of analyzing texts and thinking about religion through the lens of gender, sexuality, and feminist theory. The contributors to New Paths in Jewish and Religious Studies: Essays in Honor of Professor Elliot R. Wolfson, many of whom are internationally renowned scholars, hearken from diverse fields. Each has learned from and collaborated with Wolfson as student or colleague, and each has expanded the new scholarly directions initiated by Wolfson’s groundbreaking work. Wolfson’s scholarship gives us innovative ways to think about Judaism and a fresh understanding of religion. Not only a scholar, Wolfson is one of the most important Jewish thinkers of our day. Chapters are grouped according to the categories of religion, Jewish thought and philosophy, and a focused section on Kabbalah, Wolfson’s primary specialization. The volume concludes with a bibliography of Wolfson’s published work and a selection of his poetry.

Table of Contents

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  1. Cover
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  1. Half Title Page, Title Page, Copyright
  2. pp. i-iv
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  1. Contents
  2. pp. v-vii
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  1. Acknowledgments
  2. pp. ix-x
  3. open access
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  1. Introduction
  2. Glenn Dynner, Susannah Heschel, Shaul Magid
  3. pp. 1-13
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  1. For Elliot Wolfson
  2. p. 14
  3. open access
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  1. Part I. Studies on Religion
  1. Elliot Wolfson's Philosophical Theology (A Hypothesis)
  2. Martin Kavka
  3. pp. 17-30
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  1. "What We Are to Remember in the Future": Thoughts on Elliot Wolfson's Book on Dreams
  2. Elisabeth Weber
  3. pp. 31-40
  4. open access
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  1. Demonology Beyond Dualisms
  2. Annette Yoshiko Reed
  3. pp. 41-56
  4. open access
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  1. The History of Our Present Disaster: Apocalyptic Time, Buber, and 4 Ezra
  2. Dustin Atlas
  3. pp. 57-76
  4. open access
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  1. Bad Faith; or, Why the Jews Aren't a Religion
  2. Daniel Boyarin
  3. pp. 77-94
  4. open access
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  1. Divine Economy: Notes on the Religious Apparatus
  2. Hent de Vries
  3. pp. 95-114
  4. open access
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  1. In the Name of Time: Marcel Proust, the Zohar, and Elliot Wolfson's Notion of Timeswerve
  2. Clémence Boulouque
  3. pp. 115-132
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  1. The Timeswerve: Reading Elliot Wolfson in a Block Universe
  2. Jeffrey Kripal
  3. pp. 133-150
  4. open access
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  1. See Under: Erich Neumann's Typologies of the Great Mother and the Kabbalistic Lexical Tradition
  2. Pinchas Giller
  3. pp. 151-170
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  1. The Being of Institutional Logics? Notes for a Religious Institutionalism Without God
  2. Roger Friedland
  3. pp. 171-190
  4. open access
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  1. The Tree and the Ministering Angels in Sefer ha-Bahir
  2. Ronit Meroz
  3. pp. 193-208
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  1. Gender and Vision in Otzar Hayyim/Heikhal ha-Brakha by R. Itzhak Eizik Safrin of Komarno
  2. Jonathan Garb
  3. pp. 209-218
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  1. Love Letters: The Literal Foundations of Love in the Zohar on the Song of Songs
  2. Joel Hecker
  3. pp. 219-234
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  1. A King Without the Matronita Is Not Called "King": Between Queen Consort and Divine Consort in Thirteenth-Century Kabbalah
  2. Sharon Koren
  3. pp. 235-254
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  1. Androcentric Readings of Kabbalistic Texts by Kabbalists: Delimiting the Polysemia of Kabbalistic Writings
  2. Daniel Abrams
  3. pp. 255-266
  4. open access
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  1. Secrecy, Kabbalah, and Maimonideanism in the Thirteenth Century
  2. Jonathan Dauber
  3. pp. 267-284
  4. open access
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  1. On Kabbalah and Nature: Language, Being, and Poetic Thinking
  2. Hava Tirosh-Samuelson
  3. pp. 285-306
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  1. Fear and the Feminine: Kabbalistic Theurgy of the Negative Commandments
  2. Leore Sachs-Shmueli
  3. pp. 307-324
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  1. Mysticism and the Ontology of Language in the Poetry of Chaim Nachman Bialik
  2. Michael Fishbane
  3. pp. 327-344
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  1. Universal Singularities: Elliot R. Wolfson on Jewish Ethnocentrism
  2. Hartley Lachter
  3. pp. 345-360
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  1. Prophetic Vision and Imagination: Reading Maimonides with Wolfson and Wyschogrod
  2. Andrea Dara Cooper
  3. pp. 361-376
  4. open access
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  1. Philosophy and Dissimulation in Elijah of Vilna's Writings and Legacy
  2. Eliyahu Stern
  3. pp. 377-400
  4. open access
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  1. Idols in the Sanctuary: Elliot Wolfson and Modern Jewish Thought
  2. Robert Erlewine
  3. pp. 401-418
  4. open access
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  1. To Infinity, Not Beyond: Spinoza's Ontology of the Not One
  2. Gilah Kletenik
  3. pp. 419-440
  4. open access
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  1. A Trace of Levinas: Wolfson's Phenomenology of Vulnerable Learning
  2. Sarah Pessin
  3. pp. 441-452
  4. open access
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  1. The Mirror Through Which One Sees the Other: Wolfson, Heidegger, Kabbalah, and the Making of a Primary Jewish Text
  2. Shaul Magid
  3. pp. 453-468
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  1. A Stolperstein for Blumenberg?
  2. Steven M. Wasserstrom
  3. pp. 469-498
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  1. Home(s) in Future Anteriors; or, Paths of Poiesis Fourfolded Forward
  2. Almut Sh. Bruckstein
  3. pp. 499-508
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  1. When the Particular Is Not Indexical of the Universal: Some Thoughts on the Study of Judaism in Light of Elliot R. Wolfson's Work
  2. Aaron W. Hughes
  3. pp. 509-526
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  1. Religion and Technology: The Star of Redemption in the Language of New Media
  2. Zachary Braiterman
  3. pp. 527-548
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  1. Poems
  2. pp. 551-570
  3. open access
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  1. Publications
  2. pp. 571-586
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  1. Contributors
  2. pp. 587-592
  3. open access
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  1. Index
  2. pp. 593-612
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