In this Book


The challenges and limits for musicians dealing with texts.

To perform a musical score implies the transformation of a symbolically coded text into vibrant sound. In Performing by the Book? a carefully selected cadre of artist-researchers dissects this delicate act in critical ways. Offering first-hand insights into the notational, structural and interpretative challenges faced by musicians in dealing with texts of all kinds, the chapters traverse the spectrum between the Middle Ages and the age of Stockhausen. In a harmonious blend of scholarly allure and individual artistry, free from academic obfuscation, the contributors keep a keen eye on the limits of interpretation, both in terms of the interpretative process itself and of the balance between textual faithfulness and artistic autonomy. This comprehensive volume is an indispensable guide for everyone interested in the relationship between musical performance and texts.

Contributing authors: Niels Berentsen (Haute école de musique de Genève-Neuchâtel (HES-SO) / conductor of Diskantores), Björn Schmelzer (artistic director of Graindelavoix / independent researcher), Jonathan Ayerst (freelance organist and improviser), Elizabeth Dobbin (Le Jardin Secret / Haute école de musique de Genève (HES-SO)), Camilla Köhnken (freelance pianist-researcher / Bern Academy of the Arts), George Kennaway (cellist, conductor, teacher, publisher and musicologist / University of Leeds), Kate Bennett Wadsworth (cellist / Guildhall School of Music and Drama), Nir Cohen-Shalit (conductor and independent researcher), Xiangning Lin (pianist / Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, National University of Singapore), Clare Lesser (independent performer, musicologist and composer).

Ebook available in Open Access. This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. open access
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  1. Half Title Page, Title Page
  2. open access
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  1. Table of contents
  2. pp. 5-6
  3. open access
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  1. Introduction Musical Texts and Contexts Stairway to Heaven or Highway to Hell?
  2. Bruno Forment
  3. pp. 7-17
  4. open access
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  1. Mind the Gap Reimagining Incomplete Medieval Music
  2. Niels Berentsen
  3. pp. 19-20
  4. open access
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  1. Performing by the Book (Next to the Book You Were Looking For), or: Aby Warburg’s “Good Neighbour”
  2. Björn Schmelzer
  3. pp. 37-38
  4. open access
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  1. Pluralising the Musical Text Improvising on Canonic Repertoire
  2. Jonathan Ayerst
  3. pp. 53-64
  4. open access
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  1. À la recherche du chant perdu The airs sérieux in the Recueils d’airs sérieux et à boire de différents auteurs (1695–99) as a Lens on Vocal Practices in the Seventeenth-Century Parisian Salon
  2. Elizabeth Dobbin
  3. pp. 65-78
  4. open access
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  1. From Beethoven Performance to Beethoven Interpretation Carl Czerny and Franz Liszt’s Evolving Relationship, 1822–57
  2. Camilla Köhnken
  3. pp. 79-104
  4. open access
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  1. Nineteenth-Century Texts in the Twenty-First Century
  2. George Kennaway
  3. pp. 111-122
  4. open access
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  1. The Flexible Text Published and Unpublished Alterations to the Schumann Cello Concerto in the Nineteenth Century
  2. Kate Bennett Wadsworth
  3. pp. 123-141
  4. open access
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  1. The Romantic Conductor-Scholar What I Learned from the Archives
  2. Nir Cohen-Shalit
  3. pp. 143-161
  4. open access
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  1. Relocating Ravel’s “Sad Birds” in Alternative Forests of Place and Time
  2. Xiangning Lin
  3. pp. 163-178
  4. open access
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  1. The Virgin Act Mediating Supplement and Repetition in Performance
  2. Clare Lesser
  3. pp. 179-191
  4. open access
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  1. Online materials
  2. p. 193
  3. open access
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  1. Notes on Contributors
  2. pp. 195-197
  3. open access
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  1. Index
  2. pp. 199-212
  3. open access
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  1. Copyright
  2. p. 208
  3. open access
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