In this Book


Crossing Central Europe is a pioneering volume that focuses on the complex networks of transcultural interrelations in Central Europe from 1900 to 2000. Scholars from Canada, the United States, and Europe identify the motifs, topics, and ways of artistic creation that define this cross-cultural region. This interdisciplinary volume is divided into two historical periods and includes analyses of literature, film, music, architecture, and media. By focusing first on the interrelations in the nineteenth and early twentieth-century, the contributors reveal a complex trans-ethnic network at play that disseminated aesthetic ideals. This network continued to be a force of aesthetic influence leading into the twenty-first century despite globalization and the influence of mass media.

Helga Mitterbauer and Carrie Smith-Prei have embarked on a study of the overlapping artistic influences that have outlasted both the National Socialist regime and the Cold War.

Table of Contents

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  1. Cover
  2. open access
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  1. Title Page, Copyright
  2. pp. i-iv
  3. open access
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  1. Contents
  2. pp. v-vi
  3. open access
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  1. Introduction: Crossings and Encounters
  2. Helga Mitterbauer and Carrie Smith-Prei
  3. pp. 8-19
  4. open access
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  1. PART One. 1900
  1. Beyond Aesthetic Borders: Theory -- Media -- Case Study
  2. Helga Mitterbauer
  3. pp. 3-26
  4. open access
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  1. The Aesthetics of Change: Women Writers of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
  2. Agatha Schwartz and Helga Thorson
  3. pp. 27-49
  4. open access
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  1. Border, Transborder, and Unification: Music and Its Divergent Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Habsburg Territories
  2. Gregor Kokorz
  3. pp. 50-79
  4. open access
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  1. History without End(s): The Aesthetics and Politics of the Reading Play
  2. Imre Szeman
  3. pp. 80-99
  4. open access
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  1. Kitchen Stories: Literary and Architectural Reflections on Modern Kitchens in Central Europe
  2. Sarah McGaughey
  3. pp. 100-118
  4. open access
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  1. PART Two. 2000
  1. Spaces of Unhomeliness: Rereading Post-Imperial Urban Heterotopiasin East Central Europe
  2. Irene Sywenky
  3. pp. 121-147
  4. open access
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  1. Interdependencies: Migration,(Trans-)Cultural Codes and the Writing of Central Europe in Texts by Doron Rabinovici, Julya Rabinowich, and Vladimir Vertlib
  2. Sandra Vlasta
  3. pp. 148-168
  4. open access
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  1. Cultures of Memory, Migration, and Masculinity: Dimitré Dinev's Engelszungen
  2. Michael Boehringer
  3. pp. 169-195
  4. open access
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  1. Remixing Central European Culture: The Case of Laibach
  2. Stefan Simonek
  3. pp. 196-218
  4. open access
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  1. Bottled Messages for Europe's Future? The Danube in Contemporary Transnational Cinema
  2. Matthew D. Miller
  3. pp. 219-250
  4. open access
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  1. Ilija Trojanow and the Cosmopolitical Public Intellectual
  2. Carrie Smith-Prei
  3. pp. 251-274
  4. open access
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  1. Contributors
  2. pp. 275-278
  3. open access
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  1. Index
  2. pp. 279-290
  3. open access
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