

Yosano Akiko gathered 148 tanka under the title “Dawn Pigments” (Akebonozome), along with six shintaishi (new-style poems), to contribute to Robe of Love (Koigoromo, 1905), a book of poems that she published with Yamakawa Tomiko and Masuda (later Chino) Masako, two other women from the Morning Star (Myōjō) poetry group. This third and final installment of my complete translation of Robe of Love presents the 154 poems Yosano Akiko included in the book. Readers can find an introduction to Robe of Love and Yamakawa Tomiko’s “White Lily” in the U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal, number 63/64 (2023); Masuda Masako’s “Complete Devotion” appears in issue number 65 (2024).
