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Reviewed by:
  • Eowulf: Of Monsters & Middle School by Mike Cavallaro
  • April Spisak
Cavallaro, Mike Eowulf: Of Monsters & Middle School; written and illus. by Mike Cavallaro. First Second, 2024 [224p]
Trade ed. ISBN 9781250846440 $24.99
Paper ed. ISBN 9781250846433 $15.99
Reviewed from digital galleys R Gr. 5-7

Fans of the Nico Bravo series by Cavallaro will likely be delighted to see a character from that same universe get a series of her own. Here, the titular Eowulf is, as the name suggests, a descendent of Beowulf, and she has spent the summer fighting bad guys and exploring her ability to create dimensional shifts that can put her wherever she wants to be. She’s still honing her battle skills with the aid of Roger, her sentient, sardonic sword, but now it’s time for school in New Jersey, where her only chance to fight monsters will be through D&D with her friends. When real, terrifying creatures start appearing in her hometown, some of Eowulf’s core beliefs—about her friends, family, even a frustrating classmate—are challenged, and every bit of her quick wit, training, and forgiving nature will be put to the test as she negotiates her way through this mire. The graphic novel format is perfect for this quick-moving action plot with vivid, garish hues, creatively frightening monsters that crowd out everything else in some panels, and chaotic battle scenes all adding to the excitement. Eowulf is prone to dramatic outcries, and she’s still learning to see nuance in sorting the Sentries (all presumed heroes) and the monsters (all seen as enemies even though most seem to just be following their nature). Still, by the book’s close, it is clear she is on a path to be both a fierce warrior and kind adult, exactly what this world needs.


