- Thanks to JHCPU Reviewers
The scholars, scientists, clinicians, and community-based workers who review manuscripts for JHCPU perform a critical service, making the Journal what it is. All papers published in JHCPU have received two or more blind external peer reviews; most often, they go through a revision or two, for which the reviewers are also consulted. Furthermore, the reviews that we receive often go above and beyond the call of duty in how insightful and thorough they are.
This Note from the Editor will serve as an introduction and an acknowledgment of our most active peer reviewers. The first list below is the short one—these are people who have written 20 or more high-quality reviews for JHCPU. They are true associates of the editorial team. We rely on their judgement and detailed assessments very regularly. The second list below is longer and just as important—these are people who have written between 10 and 19 high-quality reviews. Like the people on the short list, these reviewers shape the Journal in fundamental ways. Finally, online we list everyone who has reviewed for us during the past year. These reviewers are also big contributors: each one has completed between one and nine reviews.
We are including these lists partly to show our readers and authors more about JHCPU's peer review process. We are also including them to acknowledge the reviewers publicly: without them, JHCPU would not exist.
List One: Peer reviewer of 20 or more manuscripts
Nelson Aguila
NCI Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD)
Thomas Arcury
Wake Forest School of Medicine, Family & Community Medicine
Sarah Blake
Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health
Earle Chambers
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
Family and Social Medicine
Christopher Duffrin
East Carolina University, Brody School of Medicine, Family Medicine
Michelle Andrasik
University of Washington, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Donna Biederman
Duke University School of Nursing
William Brandon
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Jennifer Chen
Harbor-UCLA Department of Emergency Medicine
Caswell Evans
University of Illinois, Chicago, Emeritus Professor [End Page vii]
Alida M. Gertz
University of Washington, Global Health
Steven Hill
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends (CFACT)
Roy Grant
Children's Health Fund, retired
List Two: Peer reviewer of 10–19 manuscripts
Diane Abatemarco
Thomas Jefferson University
Salam Abdus
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Jemma Alarcon
University of California Irvine School of Medicine
Beth Allen
Allen Editorial Services and Syneos Health
Mamie Anim
Five Rivers Health Centers and Wright State University
A. Ariza
Children's Memorial Hospital, Child Health Research
Renee Badzow
D'Youville University, Health Administration and Public Health
Aparna Balakrishnan
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Ashley R. Banks
Nationwide Children's Hospital Research Institute-Center for Innovation and Pediatric Practice
Shoshana Bardach
The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice
Carey R. Bayer
Morehouse School of Medicine Community Health and Preventive Medicine Satcher Health Leadership Institute
Czarina Behrends
Weill Cornell Medical College, Healthcare Research & Policy
R. Benkert
Wayne State University, Nursing
Dave Bergeron
Université du Québec à Rimouski, Department of Nursing
Elizabeth Beverly
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
Annika Billhult
University of Borås
Mara Bird
NCLR/CSULB Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation and Leadership Training
Sarah Blackstone
University of Virginia School of Medicine Department of Family Medicine
Janice Blanchard
George Washington University Medical School
Deborah J. Bowen
University of Washington, Bioethics and Humanities
Melissa Bright
University of Florida, Department of Health Outcomes and Policy
Kelly Brittain
Michigan State University College of Nursing
Thomas D. Brothers
Dalhousie University and University College London
Todd Brown
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Division of Cardiology
Linda Bullock
University of Virginia, School of Nursing
Lillian Burke
East Carolina University, Division of Hematology / Oncology [End Page viii]
M. Byrne
University of Miami, Department of Epidemiology
Quinn Capers
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Patricia Carcaise-Edinboro
Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Health Administration
Heather Carmack
James Madison University, School of Communication Studies
Mark Cartoski
Virginia Commonwealth University-Medical College of Virginia
Natalie A. Ceballos
Texas State University, Psychology
Avik Chatterjee...