

This Conference Spotlight presents the 2023 meeting, Esse quam videri: Marketing history for real. It was the 21st Biennial Conference on Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing (CHARM) which was hosted by the Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History at Duke University, Durham, NC. At this meeting, marketing and business historians, students, and academics gathered together to share research. Twenty-four short papers were introduced in twenty minute presentations on topics such as advertising history, the history of consumption, food and health marketing, historical method, marketing history in the arts, race in the marketplace, and marketing in the atomic and digital ages. The following recording titled "Curiosities of the Atomic Age: Information Campaign to Remark Modernity in the World" was presented by Maria Elena Aramendia-Muneta of the Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain. It describes items from Spanish newspapers that introduced new products and technology from Europe and the US made possible by the invention of nuclear fission or atomic power. An awards banquet dinner announced the winners of the Stanley C. Hollander Best Paper and the David D. Monieson Best Student Paper, and attendees were able to tour the Hartman Center.
