Johns Hopkins University Press
Fig 5. Exploring Change over Time. By deliberately restricting the date range of the training material, we can create models which specifically represent a given period. This table shows the top five predictions made by two different models for the masked word in the sentence from John Ruskin, above. The left-hand column shows results for a model trained only on texts published in the period 1760–1850; the right-hand column shows those from a model restricted to 1890–1900.
Fig 5.

Exploring Change over Time. By deliberately restricting the date range of the training material, we can create models which specifically represent a given period. This table shows the top five predictions made by two different models for the masked word in the sentence from John Ruskin, above. The left-hand column shows results for a model trained only on texts published in the period 1760–1850; the right-hand column shows those from a model restricted to 1890–1900.
