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  • Contributors

Benjamin L. Carp is a doctoral candidate at the University of Virginia. He is currently writing a dissertation entitled, “Cityscapes and Revolution: Urban Spaces and Revolutionary Mobilization in North America, 1740–1783.”

Robert B. Bonner, assistant professor of history at Michigan State University, has written a forthcoming book called Colors and Blood: Flag Passions of the Confederate South and is completing a study of slaveholders and American nationhood.

Christopher Phillips, associate professor of history at the University of Cincinnati, has written numerous articles and three books, including Damned Yankee: The Life of Nathaniel Lyon, Freedom’s Port: The African American Community of Baltimore, 1790–1860, and Missouri’s Confederate: Claiborne Fox Jackson and the Creation of Southern Identity in the Border West. His current research project is a social history of the Civil War in the Lower Ohio Valley.

Ann Sarah Rubin is assistant professor of history at the Univesity of Maryland, Baltimore County. She is a coauthor of The Valley of the Shadow: Part 1, The Eve of War, winner of the E-Lincoln Prize and is completing a study of Confederate nationalism and identity, entitled “A Shattered Nation: The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy, 1861–1868.”


