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  • Contributors

Michael J. Bennett is a doctoral student in history at St. Louis University. He is working on a dissertation titled “Union Jacks: The Common Yankee Sailor of the American Civil War.”

Chris Dixon has published Perfecting the Family: Antislavery Marriages in Nineteenth-Century America (1997), and African America and Haiti: Emigration and Black Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century (2000). He has taught at the University of Sydney, Massey University (New Zealand), and is a senior lecturer in History at the University of Newcastle (Australia).

Troy Duncan has completed a B.A. with Honors at the University of Newcastle (Australia) and is currently finishing a Ph.D. on the antislavery activist and historian William Goodell. The winner of an Australian Postgraduate Award, and a University Medalist, Troy has also been employed as a tutor in the History Department at the University of Newcastle.

Andrew L. Slap is a doctoral candidate at the Pennsylvania State University, where he is finishing a dissertation on the liberal Republican movement.


