

Award-winning cookbook author, culinary historian, and Chinatown activist Grace Young and Di Gao, senior director of research and development at the National Trust for Historic Preservation, discuss taking action to support historic Chinatowns. American Chinatowns have served as bastions of community resilience and culture for nearly two centuries and continue to serve vital functions for older generations and new immigrants alike. Today, as the world returns to a post-pandemic reality, historic Chinatowns are still fighting for survival. By revealing the everyday stories and testimonies of legacy businesses, mom & pop shops, and residents of Chinatowns through the lens of preserving their ties to place and community, this work contributes vitally to empower and humanize all Americans and reaffirm that their history, identity, and places matter Protecting historic Chinatowns for future generations is vital to fostering understanding of America's complex past and building a more inclusive future.

