A Different Class of Refugee: University Scholarships and Developmentalism in Late 1960s Africa
- Africa Today
- Indiana University Press
- Volume 69, Numbers 1-2, Fall/Winter 2022
- pp. 134-161
- 10.2979/africatoday.69.1_2.07
- Article
- Additional Information
Using documents assembled in connection with the 1967 Conference on the Legal, Economic and Social Aspects of African Refugee Problems, this article discusses African refugee higher-education discourses in the 1960s at the level of international organizations, volunteer agencies, and government representatives. Education and development history have recently been studied together, but this article focuses on the history of refugee higher education, which, it argues, needs to be understood within the development framework of human-capital theory, meant to support political pan-African concerns for a decolonized continent and merged with humanitarian arguments to create a hybrid form of humanitarian developmentalism. The article zooms in on higher-education scholarships, above all for refugees from Southern Africa, as a means of support for human-capital development. It shows that refugee higher education was both a result and a driver of increased international exchanges, as evidenced at the 1967 conference.