Ecological Validation Model of Student Success: A New Student Support Model for Promoting College Success Among Low-Income, First-Generation, and Racially Minoritized Students
- Journal of College Student Development
- Johns Hopkins University Press
- Volume 62, Number 6, November-December 2021
- pp. 627-642
- 10.1353/csd.2021.0062
- Article
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This 5-year, longitudinal, multimethod qualitative case study draws on data from the Promoting At-Promise Student Success (PASS) project examining a comprehensive college transition and success program called Thompson Scholars Learning Community (TSLC) that serves low-income college students, many of whom are first-generation and racially minoritized. The study presents a new, empirically grounded model for promoting college student success among these student populations called the ecological validation model of student success, where educators validate students' multiple assets, strengths, and innate capabilities for college success across multiple aligned and coordinated support contexts over time. The study extends prior quasi-experimental work demonstrating the effectiveness of TSLC by exploring how educators in the program supported student success and providing a model for other educators, student support programs, colleges, and universities seeking new approaches to better serve an increasingly diverse postsecondary student body.