- About the Authors
jonathan p. balcombe, PhD, is an ethologist with a focus on animal sentience and protection. In addition to peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, his books include Pleasurable Kingdom (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006) and What a Fish Knows (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2016; available in 15 languages). His latest book, Super Fly, was released in May 2021 by Penguin Books. Balcombe is former director of animal sentience with the Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy and department chair for animal studies with Humane Society University in Washington, DC. Email: jonathan@jona-thanbalcombe.com
angela fernandez is a full professor of law at the Faculty of Law and Department of History at the University of Toronto. She is a fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, a member of the board of advisors and a director of Animal Justice Canada, as well as a member of the Brooks Animal Studies Academic Network (with the Brooks Institute for Animal Rights, Law, and Policy). Professor Fernandez has been the book review editor (Americas) for Law and History Review since 2017 and a contributing reviewer to the legal history section of The Journal of Things We Like (Lots) (JOTWELL) since 2011. Her books include Pierson v. Post, the Hunt for the Fox: Law and Professionalization in American Legal Culture (Cambridge University Press, 2018). Her research interests include history, law, animal law, and ethics. Email: angela.fernandez@utoronto.ca
stephen marcus finn is professor emeritus of English at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He is a founder and director of Asher's Farm Sanctuary, one of only two such sanctuaries in Africa, and has spoken at international conferences on animal rights related to religion, education, and the arts. His publications include the animal rights novel The Story of Humphrey the Hereford, the novel Soliloquy, and the prize-winning play The Club, about school bullying. He has also written a screenplay, Caw to the Rescue, that is in line with his Farmed Animal Rights Manifesto for film. His other publications include books on propaganda, persuasion, and South African poetry and short stories. Email: finnfam@mweb.co.za
robert garner (FRSA) is emeritus professor of politics at the University of Leicester. He has published widely on the politics and philosophy of animal rights. His books include The Oxford Group and the Emergence of Animal Rights (with Yewande Okuleye; Oxford University Press, 2021), A Theory of Justice for Animals (Oxford University Press, 2013), and The Animal Rights Debate (with Gary Francione; Columbia University Press, 2010). Email: rwg2@le.ac.uk
jessica holmes is a PhD candidate in English at the University of Washington in Seattle, where she teaches in the Interdisciplinary Writing Program. She received an MFA in creative writing from the University of Washington (2015) and a BA in English from Lewis & Clark College (2011) and was a Mellon Fellow for New Public Projects in the Humanities (2019). Her creative and critical work has been published in numerous journals and publications, including Auto/Biography Studies (2020), Intimate Relations: Communicating in the Anthropocene (2021), and The Routledge Handbook of Vegan Studies (2021). Her research areas include environmental humanities, contemporary poetry, and critical animal studies. Email: holmes07@uw.edu
linda johnson, PhD, is a lecturer II in the Department of Art History at the University of Michigan-Flint and an adjunct professor at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. She has received fellowships from Historic Deerfield in art history and is a fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. She teaches courses from Renaissance to modern art, science and art, and art and animal ethics. She is affiliate faculty in the arts administration program at the University of Michigan-Flint and a graduate advisor. Johnson is author of a forthcoming book, Art and Animal Ethics in Western Art History (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), and published "A Pre-Millennial Portrait during the Revocation of the Massachusetts Charter" in American Literature and the New Puritan Studies (Cambridge University Press, 2017). She is a consulting editor of the Journal of Animal Ethics (University of Illinois Press) and is a member of the editorial board of Paragone: Past and Present: A Journal on Rivalry in the Arts. Email: linjohdr...