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Reviewed by:
  • A Baker's Guide to Robber Pie by Caitlin Sangster
  • Natalie Berglind
Sangster , Caitlin A Baker's Guide to Robber Pie . Feiwel ,
2022 [ 336 p]
Trade ed. ISBN 9781250793317 $16.99
E-book ed. ISBN 9781250793324 $9.99
Reviewed from digital galleys R Gr. 4-7

Evie is the twelve-year-old daughter of bakers in the country of Paline, where people fear the Fel, giant crow-like fairy creatures. When adventurous Evie stumbles upon robbers in the woods summoned by her raspberry tart, she's whisked away for her safety by royal guards, posing as a baker for the Hollows, a noble family, while the location of the Robber Lord is identified. Something isn't right about the way everyone is acting toward the robbers, though, and the cunning, manipulative daughter in the Hollow house isn't helping things as Evie searches for answers. This middle grade novel is as charming as it is mouthwatering, with Evie's storytelling inclinations giving zest to even the less thrilling elements. Savvy readers will see plot twists in advance due to some heavy-handed foreshadowing, but the end result is still satisfying. Here, the power of friendship is a driving force, as Evie overcomes her biases to befriend Gisa, another girl in the Hollow household, and uses her connection to hometown friend Cece to save the day. Readers who are as adventure-seeking as Evie will want to join her as she takes on magical enemies with only her wits and baking skills.


