In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Ayala, Francisco. Cazador en el alba; Historia de macacos; La niña de oro y otros relatos. Alianza, 2020, 524 pp.
Ayala, Francisco. Muertes de perro; El fondo del vaso. Alianza, 2020, 468 pp.
Ayala, Francisco. Recuerdos y olvidos 1906–2006. Alianza, 2020, 847 pp.
Ayala, Francisco. Los usurpadores; La cabeza del cordero. Alianza, 2020, 430 pp.
Beusterien, John. See Laguna, Ana María.
Cribelli, Teresa. See Kraay, Hendrik.
Cuya Gavilano, Lorena. Fictions of Migration: Narratives of Displacement in Peru and Bolivia. The Ohio State UP, 2021, viii + 217 pp.
Díaz Lage, Santiago. Escritores y lectores de un día todos: literaturas periódicas de la España del siglo XIX. P de la U de Zaragoza, 2020, 241 pp.
Flores, Nichole M. The Aesthetics of Solidarity: Our Lady of Guadalupe and American Democracy. Georgetown UP, 2021, xii + 166 pp.
Fuentes, Alonso de. Cuarenta cantos de diversas y peregrinas historias. Frente de Afirmación Hispanista, 2020, 713 pp.
Gómez-Castellano, Irene, and Aurélie Vialette, editors. Dissonances of Modernity: Music, Text, and Performance in Modern Spain. U of North Carolina P, 2021, 319 pp.
Harden, Faith S. Arms and Letters: Military Life Writing in Early Modern Spain. U of Toronto P, 2020, 188 pp.
Hawkins, John P., editor. Religious Transformation in Maya Guatemala: Cultural Collapse and Christian Pentecostal Revitalization. U of New Mexico P, 2021, xxv + 413 pp.
Kraay, Hendrik, Celso Thomas Castilho, and Teresa Cribelli, editors. Press, Power, and Culture in Imperial Brazil. U of New Mexico P, 2021, xiii + 306 pp.
Lafuente, Eva. See Orobon, Marie-Angèle.
Laguna, Ana María, and John Beusterien, editors. Goodbye Eros: Recasting Forms and Norms of Love in the Age of Cervantes. U of Toronto P, 2020, 281 pp.
Lantigua, John. Remember My Face: A Willie Cuesta Mystery. Arte Público, 2020, 218 pp.
Mancinas, Oscar. To Live and Die In El Valle. Arte Público, 2020, 156 pp.
Martínez Torrejón, José Miguel. See Vega, Inca Garcilaso de la.
Mazadiego, Elize. Dematerialization and the Social Materiality of Art: Experimental Forms in Argentina, 1955–1968. Brill, 2021, xiii + 173 pp.
Miletich, John S. Medieval Spanish Epic, Ballad, Lyric, and the Serbo-Croatian and Russian Analogies: A Typology and Aesthetics of Oral and Related Forms. Juan de la Cuesta, 2021, 409 pp.
Moraña, Mabel. Líneas de fuga: ciudadanía, frontera y sujeto migrante. Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2021, 803 pp.
Motta, Rodrigo Patto Sá. On Guard Against the Red Menace: Anti-Communism in Brazil, 1917–1964. Sussex Academic P, 2020, xiv + 298 pp.
Murrah-Mandril, Erin. In the Mean Time: Temporal Colonization and the Mexican American Literary Tradition. U of Nebraska P, 2020, xi + 171 pp.
Murray, N. Michelle. Home Away from Home: Immigrant Narratives, Domesticity, and Coloniality in Contemporary Spanish Culture. U of North Carolina P, 2018, 226 pp.
Orobon, Marie-Angèle, and Eva Lafuente, editors. Hablar a los ojos: caricatura y vida política en España (1830–1918). P de la U de Zaragoza, 2021, 341 pp.
Palacios, Max, editor. Ribeyro: testimonios, ensayos académicos y artículos periodísticos. Cuadernos Sin Nombre, 2020, 175 pp.
Perelmuter, Rosa, editor. La recepción literaria de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: un siglo de apreciaciones críticas (1910–2010). Idea, 2021, 621 pp.
Pridgeon, Stephanie. Revolutionary Visions: Jewish Life and Politics in Latin American Film. U of Toronto P, 2021, 194 pp.
Roth, Norman. The Bible and Jews in Medieval Spain. Routledge, 2021, xvi + 468 pp.
Royano Gutiérrez, Lourdes. Palabras que superan el tiempo. Deslinde, 2021, 375 pp.
Smith, Amanda M. Mapping the Amazon: Literary Geography after the Rubber Boom. Liverpool UP, 2021, xiii + 248 pp.
Thomas Castilho, Celso. See Kraay, Hendrik.
Vega, Inca Garcilaso de la. Los pre-textos de La Florida del Inca. Edited by José Miguel Martínez Torrejón, U of North Carolina P, 2021, 172 pp.
Vera-Rojas, María. “El feminismo no es nuevo”: las crónicas de Clotilde Betances Jaeger. Arte Público, 2020, xxxvi + 311 pp.
Vialette, Aurélie. See Gómez-Castellano, Irene.

