

The personal ordinariates erected under the auspices of the 2009 apostolic constitution Anglicanorum coetibus are often seen as a particular project of Pope Benedict XVI. Whilst the apostolic constitution itself, and the erection of the three extant ordinariates, occurred during his pontificate, a great deal of their early life has in fact taken place in the pontificate of Pope Francis. This article first addresses the ways in which perceived and actual priorities of Pope Francis find a particular articulation in the developing structures, mission, and life of the personal ordinariates. It considers the means by which Pope Francis has, directly or indirectly, shaped the personal ordinariates in their composition, internal governance, and liturgy. Secondly, it examines how certain elements of the Anglican patrimony and the experiences of the clergy and lay faithful of the personal ordinariates emphasize in a particular way certain themes of the pontificate of Pope Francis: namely, missionary discipleship, poverty, and accompaniment.

