In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Errata for Vol 74, issue 3
Page For Read
155, line 3 sothe so the
167, line 4 of The of Isaac Bickerstaff's The
180, line 7 but certainly then certainly
189, line 19 Notwithstanding Nevertheless
190, line 21 managers here managers there
190, line 5 up 1790 3 1790: 3
192, line 7 up over sophisticated over-sophisticated
193, line 3 1822 90 1822: 90
193, line 7 figure".8 figure".
196, line 15 Davis and Emeljanow Jim Davis and Victor Emeljanow
196, line 9 up (Davis 13-31) ("Boxing Day" 13-31)
199, line 2 would, on would on
199, line 3 feelings, should feelings should
204, line 8 and would and he would
204, line 11 Hall", in Hall, in
209, line 24 Dartmouth. Dartmouth. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1887-1896.

[End Page 74]


