

“The student who dives deep into the mysteries that enshrine Truth . . . will tell of her beauties, and proclaim to those who have ears to hear the words of healing.” So wrote English cleric and spiritualist W. Stainton Moses in his Spirit Teachings (1883)—or, if Moses is to be believed, so wrote the spirit “Imperator,” who, promising spiritual and bodily edification, enlisted Moses as his earthly amanuensis. Treating purportedly real spirit writings like those transcribed by Moses and the discourses of their reception in occultism, psychical research, and literature, this paper examines the phenomenon of automatic writing, also called spirit writing, passive writing, or psychography, as an evolving means of wellness and, later, a source of medical prescription from the 1850s through the 1890s. This essay suggests a yet-unintuited connection between the rise of automatic writing and the Spasmodic poetics alternately championed and critiqued by Sydney Dobell.

